The October 27 newsletter
Victims of the coronavirus are today +221 against +141 yesterday and +128 the previous day. The total is 37,700 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, according to today’s bulletin from Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health. The increase in infections today is +21,944 against +17,012 yesterday while the day before the threshold of 20 thousand. The total number of infections recorded so far is 564,778. The number of tampons made in the last hours is +174,398 against +124,686 from yesterday. The total number of tests performed is 14,953,086.
Discharged and healed today are +3,362, for a total of 271,988, the hospitalized are 13,955 (+958, Yesterday 12,997), the positives are currently 255,090 (+18,406, Yesterday 236,684), in home isolation, yet they are still there 239,724 people (+17,321, Yesterday 222,403). Occupied ICUs are 1,411 (+127, Yesterday 1,284). Lombardy, Campania and Piedmont are the regions with the highest increase in cases: respectively +5,035, +2,761 e +2,458.

Comparison yesterday and today

The trend of new infections in the last ten days

The Positive Aspects of Covid-19 Region by Region
Here is the data on people currently positive for Coronavirus region by region:
Graphics by Vincenzo Monaco
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