The swabs performed were 166,205. The positivity rate drops to 8%. Decrease in intensive therapies, -44
To date in Italy there are currently 605,955 positives, with a decrease in the last 24 hours of 7,627. The increase in patients cured and discharged in one day is 20,315, which brings the total since the beginning of the emergency to 1,301,573.

The number of people admitted to intensive care decreases People hospitalized with symptoms are 24,948, 197 less than on Sunday. There are 2,687 patients in intensive care, 44 fewer in the last 24 hours. 578,320 people are currently in home isolation. Overall, 605,955 people are positive.
Veneto is the most affected region With 3,082 new cases, even today, Veneto is the Italian region most affected by the spread of the virus. Lombardy follows with 2,278 new positives, then Lazio with 1,288 and Emilia Romagna with 1,162. In all other Regions there are less than a thousand new cases.