Coronavirus in Italy, 1108 more positive cases with 20 thousand fewer swabs. Twelve deaths, intensive care continues to rise


Coronavirus in Italy, the bulletin from today Monday September 7 of the Ministry of Health. The new positives registered in the last 24 hours are 1108, compared to 52,553 swabs (yesterday they were 1,297 with 76,856 swabs): 12 deaths instead (yesterday there were 8). With 223 more discharged / cured, positives are currently still climbing to 32,993 (915 more than yesterday, when the increase was 884 units).

142 patients are in intensive care, nine more, and 1719 hospitalized with symptoms, 36 more. Of the twelve deaths registered today, half come from Lombardy (6), two from Liguria, two from Puglia, one from Piedmont and one from Tuscany.

Read also> Coronavirus Lazio, 159 cases of which 119 in Rome. No casualties

The region that has registered the most cases in the last 24 hours is Campania. with 218 new positives followed by Lazio with 159, Emilia Romagna with 132 and Lombardy with 109. The remaining regions with Molise and the autonomous province of Bolzano stopped at zero below one hundred daily cases.


The cases of Covid-19 in Italy since the beginning of the emergency are now 278,784 (1108 more than yesterday), of which 35,553 died and 210,238 recovered or discharged, 223 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of positives currently in our country is 32,993, yesterday it was 32,078, an increase of 915 units.

142 patients are in intensive care (yesterday there were 133). Of these, 26 are in Lombardy (+1), 18 in Emilia Romagna (+4), 13 in Sicily (unchanged) and 13 in Veneto (+1). Patients with symptoms are 1,719, 36 more than yesterday, and people in home isolation are 31,132 (450 more). The swabs made to date are 9,271,810, of which 52,553 in the last day (yesterday they were 92,790). The number of people who took the test is 5,578,731. Remember that each person can use more than one tampon.

Last updated: Monday, September 7, 2020, 17:51

