Coronavirus in Italy, 10 deaths and 1,397 new positives with 10,000 fewer swabs. Three deaths in Puglia


Coronavirus in Italy, the today’s newsletter thursday september 3 of the Ministry of Health. New positives registered in the last 24 hours there are 1,397, compared to 92,790 swabs (yesterday there were 1,326 with 102,959 swabs): 10 deaths instead (yesterday there were 6). With 289 more discharged / cured, positives are currently still climbing to 28,915 (1,098 more than yesterday, when the increase was 1,063 units).

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the the total number of Covid-19 victims rises to 35,507, while the total number of cases is 272,912, with 1,397 more new positives (yesterday there were 1,326). Of the 10 deaths today 3 come from Puglia, 1 from Lombardy, Piedmont, Tuscany, Lazio, Liguria, Marche and Sicily. Six regions out of 100 cases: they are Lombardy (228), Campania (193), Lazio (154), Emilia Romagna (118), Veneto (115) and Tuscany (113). No regions of zero contagion.


The cases of Covid-19 in Italy since the beginning of the emergency are now 272,912 (1,397 more than yesterday), of which 35,507 died and 208,490 recovered or discharged, 289 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of currently positive in our country there are 28,915, yesterday there were 27,817, one 1,098 units increase.

am 120 patients in intensive care (11 more than yesterday). Of these, 27 are in Lombardy (+5) and 12 in Sicily (data unchanged). HE 1,505 were hospitalized with symptoms68 more than yesterday, and there are 27,290 people in home isolation (1,019 more). The swabs made to date are 8,921,658, of which 92,790 in the last day (yesterday they were 102,959). The number of people who were tested is 5,342,150. Remember that each person can use more than one tampon.

Last Updated: Thursday, September 3, 2020, 5:13 PM

