Coronavirus in Genoa, mandatory masks in the historic center throughout the day


by Alessandro Bacci

Here is the new ordinance of the Region, worries about the increase in infections. Bucci: “Fines for those who do not use them even outdoors”

Liguria region signed a new ordinance to contain the coronavirus infection a Genoa. After the elections possible conglomerates in the historic center seem to worry the governor Everybody: “We will sign a new ordinance for the obligation of the mask in Genoa. The greatest number of infections is concentrated in the historic center. At the moment there will be no other containment measures.”

Mayor Marco Bucci then he explained the new rules better: “We have the presence of a potential cluster in the historic center. We have decided to take some precautionary measures to safeguard the health of citizens. We have defined an area that goes from the customs entrance of the Stazione Marittima, via Fanti d’Italia, to the Stazione Principe, towards via Balbi, piazza della Annunziata, Zecca, Cairoli, Galribaldi, Fontane Marose, via XXV Aprile, Matteotti , Porta Soprana, via Del Colle, Ravasco and via Madre di Dio. All over this area We extend the obligation to wear a mask all day outdoors. Even the use of masks has been shown to only lead to a reduction in infections. Obviously, the provisions remain unchanged in closed public places. the fines for those who do not wear masks and controls in the facilities will be increased. I ask for the collaboration of all Genoese, in the rest of the city the situation is good ”.
