Coronavirus, “in France the first case in late December, before China sounded the alarm”


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He had been hospitalized on December 27 in Bondy and he was the first case in France of Covid-19, before the pandemic expanded throughout Europe and even before the alarm was triggered by China. And almost a month after the first three cases of coronavirus officially registered in France January 24: two arrived at Paris after being in Wuhan and a third was a relative of one of them.

In an interview with the announcer BFMTV, relaunched by the French media, Dr Yves Cohen, head of hospital resuscitation services Jean Verdier for Bondy and Avicena for Bobigny, reveals that he has reviewed everything PCR test – examination with molecular biology techniques used to diagnose viral infections – carried out on patients with suspected pneumonia in December and January. Of 24 patients, the man, who has recovered today, had tested positive for covid-19.

“He was sick 15 days and infected two children, but not his wife,” he said. Cohen. None of the family has never been in China. But the woman works at a fish counter. Supermarket, near the sector of sushi, from where the people of Chinese origin. The advanced hypothesis is that the woman got infected through i colleagues, but has remained asymptomatic.

Cohen, who reviewed the tests at the suggestion of the hygiene professor at his facility, Jean Ralph Zahar, warned health authorities of his discovery. A report on the case will be published next week onInternational journal of antimicrobial agents. Once verified, the case could rewrite the history of the infection in France and perhaps Europe as well.

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