Coronavirus, in France almost 10 thousand new cases in 24 hours: a new squeeze is expected


The phase of “living with the virus” is proving more difficult than expected and the Scientific Committee that supports the government in the fight against the epidemic “has signaled failure.” To further complicate the situation was the reopening of schools. The health centers have closed 32, in addition 524 classes have been sent home to teach at a distance, but all parents know of cases of positivity that are multiplying, especially in secondary schools, and concern is increasing.

In addition, in recent days there has been a wave of very frequent colds, sometimes with some lines of fever. The one that, like every year, afflicts so many children who go back to school. This year, however, a sneeze is all it takes to pressure teachers to send school children home. Family doctors are overwhelmed with calls, analysis laboratories or tents set up in the streets for tampons are assaulted by increasingly numerous crowds, queues that involve waiting even more than three hours. For this reason, the government – hastily – has announced that parents who are forced to stay home due to having children who cannot go to school will be entitled to dismissal for days absent.

From the Defense Council, the government in restricted formation received in the Elysee, a new behavioral grip is expected. The President of the Scientific Council, Jean-Francois DelfraissyHe anticipated “difficult decisions” but indispensable for the executive. While the president Emmanuel macron He tried not to stir up more spirits, confirming important decisions but “at the local level” and above all “without giving in to panic.”

“We have to look to the next few weeks,” explained Macron, trying to “adapt to the evolution of the virus, trying to stop its circulation with health rules and the organization of social life.” “We must do it – he continued – allowing us to continue living, educating our children, caring for other patients and other pathologies, having an economic and social life.”
