Coronavirus in Foggia and in the province: 166 victims since the beginning of the emergency


With the two deaths verified yesterday, 166 Covid victims in Capitanata are, since the beginning of the emergency, more than 28% of the deaths registered in Puglia (590). This figure, as well as the number of infections (compared to the number of inhabitants) makes the province of Foggia the most affected in the entire region. The cumulative incidence per 10,000 inhabitants is, in fact, the highest in the Foggia area (28.8 cases). It is followed by the province of Bari with 23.1 cases, ahead of the provinces of Brindisi (19.5) and Bat (16). Just under 10, the provinces of Lecce (9.9) and Taranto (9).

As reported by the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, the two victims yesterday are a 98-year-old man who died at the Casa Sollievo della Sofevole hospital and a 78-year-old man hospitalized at the Foggia Polyclinic.

But what is worrisome is the spread of the virus through asymptomatic patients. There are many cases “discovered” through normal detection activities. As in the case of the young student of the ‘Bonghi’ of Lucera, subjected to a swab after going to the emergency room of the municipality of Frederick after falling off his bicycle. After the positivity found, all the classmates, teachers and professors were quarantined waiting to be subjected to a swab. As is known, through a provision signed by the manager Mirella Coli, the Ipia in Viale Dante and the Convitto headquarters, were closed until tomorrow. But the hypothesis of an extension cannot be ruled out, pending that all subjects currently in isolation are subjected to swabs.

The other “accidental” contagion refers to a Foggia citizen who tested positive after regular screening by the general practitioner to whom he had referred for another pathology.

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