Coronavirus, the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region, announces that the following data has been received:
– Cotugno Hospital in Naples: 793 swabs were examined, 1 of which was positive;
– Hospital Ruggi di Salerno: 522 swabs were examined, 2 of which were positive;
– Sant’Anna de Caserta Hospital: 82 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Caserta de Aversa-Marcianise Local Health Authority: 515 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Moscati di Avellino Hospital: 160 swabs were examined, 1 of which was positive;
– San Paolo Hospital in Naples: 225 swabs were examined, 4 of which were positive;
– Federico II hospital laboratory: 149 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Southern Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute: 237 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Ospedale di Nola: 123 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Hospital San Pio de Benevento: 98 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– Eboli Hospital: 114 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– CEINGE Laboratory: 347 swabs were examined, none of which tested positive;
– 203 swabs were tested in the Biogem laboratory, 1 of which was positive.
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Today’s Positives: 9
Tampons today: 3,568
Campania’s positive total: 4,639
Total swabs from Campania: 127,938
Last update: 22:32 © RESERVED REPRODUCTION