Coronavirus in Campania, De Luca’s ordinance: mandatory screening in all school personnel


The president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, has signed ordinance number 70 that makes the selection of school personnel mandatory; decision that the governor had anticipated a few days ago. When residing in the Campania region, all staff, teaching and non-teaching, of schools and educational establishments of all levels in the Campania region must inform their GP or the ASL Prevention Department to which they belong. to submit to the serological and / or swab test and display the relative results to the principal of his / her school, who exercises the functions of Employer in public schools or, in the case of equal schools, to the Employer; if you reside in a region other than Campania, inform the principal of your school (who exercises the functions of Employer in public schools) or, in the case of equal schools, the Employer, to submit to the test and / or swab by the regional health service ”, reads the ordinance.

The provisions “do not apply to subjects who demonstrate to their Director – or, in the case of private schools, to the Employer – that they have performed, even voluntarily, a serological test and / or diagnostic swab on a date no earlier than August 24, 2020 , with negative result “.

READ ALSO Covid in Campania, the virus runs fast: mandatory test for teachers

“School principals or, in the case of private schools, employers, are required to collect and report to the school’s ASL the names of the subjects, mentioned in point 1.1 above, second line, to be examined and to verify, before the start of the school year, that all personnel have undergone an examination, reporting to the reference ASL before September 21, 2020 any issue that is not yet controlled – it is emphasized – Any initiative and activity, also with the support, if necessary, of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Southern Italy ». Heads of schools / employers “They will take care to disseminate this provision among their staff and to remember the sanctions related to any breach.”

Last update: September 9 at 07:04 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
