Coronavirus in Brazil, Bolsonaro minimizes and the Minister of Health resigns: chaos reigns


It was only a matter of time, and time flows quickly even below quarantine: at 4:18 pm on Thursday, April 16, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, Minister of Health, announces his resignation after a decisive meeting in Planalto, the presidential palace in the capital Brasilia.

The motivation is apparently technical: divergence with the president on the line to continue regarding the quarantine that Mandetta preached total, with the blocking of commercial and production activities nationwide. Jair Bolsonaro instead, after minimizing the severity of the pandemic last month, he has always supported the thesis of “vertical” isolation, that is, limited to the elderly and adults with respiratory failure.

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The pretext of safeguarding the Brazilian economy and, therefore, of avoiding a new one. recession After recent social security reforms and taxes not yet implemented, he is actually trying to hide the president’s intolerance from his former minister, who has repeatedly allowed himself contradict in public in front of the media microphones, who often preferred Mandetta between the two contenders A Secret of Pulcinella, which the latter has never endorsed.

Brazil without milestones

The fateful fall, in a bottle already overflowing, was poured by the former minister, when a few days ago he declared that the Brazilians they don’t know who to listen to, either for its president or for him, in accordance with the isolation regulations. And in fact, according to what I see around me, the situation is as follows: even with the blinds of the merchants down, people are silent, especially in the Northeast, not even the shadow of the police, while even in the cities most affected by the epidemic, which are the most representative in the country, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro – Less than half of citizens respect quarantine.

And this is also understandable; After all, thanks to the capital of São Paulo, the most populated, Bolsonaro has swept the elections Declaring to the four winds that the King is naked has further angered the chief, and the ship has spilled. The new health minister is an oncologist, Nelson Teich, consultant to the prestigious Israeli hospital Albert Einstein, as well as adviser to the health plan during Bolsonaro’s electoral campaign. In practice, a man of his.

However, unexpectedly, at the press conference, Teich assured that there will be no abrupt changes after his predecessor, and this, if on the one hand it comforts sanitary articles, on the other it adds even more. confusion citizenship, which in doubt continues to do as before.

Meanwhile, the numbers flow mercilessly: contagions doubled – 30,000 to date – and deaths, which around 600 a week ago were now 1,900, more than tripled. The governors and state prefects of Brazil have already declared that they will continue to act in their entirety. autonomy by the federal government, and if they consider it appropriate, they will extend the quarantine.

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The President of the Supreme Federal Court, Dias Toffoli, who has had a long-standing oxidation with Bolsonaro, who has been contested by pro-government protests on several occasions, has spoken in favor of thetotal isolation, announcing that STF will guarantee that this autonomy is respected. But chaos reigns supreme: while the governor of the state of São Paulo, João Doria, announced days ago the extension of the quarantine until April 22, some prefects I have already raped its directives, allowing the reopening of commercial activities.

Conclusions (for now)

Defense at all costs of GDP, but above all Benefits of companies, certainly cannot be missing in Brazil, where any government, progressive or conservative, has always allowed indigenous peoples and ecosystems to achieve this end. trampled with impunity, as evidenced by the tragedies of the Mariana and Brumadinho dams in Minas Gerais. And Bolsonaro continues on this path, getting under his feet this time Health of people, ignoring the terrible lesson that Italy has taught the world at its expense, with the Lombard massacre that continues today.

And yet, if in Lombardy Confindustria and the owners of the factories have passed the law, conditioning the mayors and the Region in the creation of a red zone that would have saved many lives, here the National Confederation of Industry – representing the Brazilian industrialists – at least for the moment it does not seem to have exerted any detail pressures about local politicians.

Therefore, there are no mitigating circumstances: in fact, given the news of the expulsion of Mandetta, in São Paulo, Rio, Belo HorizonteRecife StrengthBrasilia, Porto Alegre, Belém, Salvador and João Pessoa, i panelaço (pots beaten in protest) have resumed their symphony, now with the cry of Bolsonaro forums, as before it had happened against Dilma Rousseff and later against Michel Temer. Meanwhile, the virus continues, relentless.

(Texts and photos: @ Flavio Bacchetta Copyright)

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