Coronavirus, if Calabria turns out to be excellence: the story of a 45-year-old man who lives in Milan but was saved in Reggio Reggio Emilia


26 November 2020 12:27

Coronavirus, the story of a 45-year-old young man who lives in Milan but was treated in an excellent way at Reggio Calabria Reunites

My name is Domenico Papasidero and I am a freelancer living in Milan for many years, I am 45 years old and I contracted the Covid-19 virus with pneumonia on October 13, while returning to my family’s house after the summer holidays. in Melicucco. He did the swab, positive result. So, after a few days of fever, I was admitted to the Reggio hospital, where I was treated and cured. Hence the thanks I feel I can give from Mayor Salvatore Valerioti and Marshal Ezio Scuderi. But the public praise, to be highlighted, goes above all to them, to the Gom doctors. Starting with the chief doctor, Dr. Battaglia, and then doctors Barreca, Cama, Ripepi, Daffinà, Dieni, Rodà of Pneumology; then doctors Caridi, Aricò and Zema (Obi Covid) and doctor Scappatura, radiologist. A personal thanks to Dr. Giovanni Patti also from the Great Metropolitan Hospital“. This is the message of gratitude that, as we read in the Gazzetta del Sud, was sent by a 45-year-old young man who lives in Milan and who about a month ago contracted Covid in Melicucco, in the province of Reggio Calabria, and was very well treated at the United Hospitals.

Living the reality of Milan – we continue reading in the Gazzetta del Sud – With large modern hospitals and among the best in the world, however, by coincidence of facts, I was treated in my land with great professionals, although the structure certainly does not have the adequate standards for reasons that unfortunately we all know. That is why I would like to highlight the great value of these doctors and all other health professionals, in the hope that they can all come together in a real lobby to build a very modern hospital, abandoning the political interests of individuals … so in my opinion all politicians, everywhere, have failed and made fun of everyone. Starting today, change the registry and compile. Thank you thank you thank you…. They saved my life with 22 days of therapy in the hospital“.
