Coronavirus: ICUs ‘disappeared’ and evidence of chaos, which is wrong – Politics


Contagion to the historical record and the country running out of ammunition in the battle against Covid. The so-called ‘three T’ (traceability, test and treatment) strategy in Italy announced and followed in recent months by the leaders of the national health system collapses under the blows of the new five zero figures. The last fault arises from the comparison between the Regions and the Emergency Commissioner himself: the number of effective intensive care units in the different hospitals, one of the main indicators of critical problems linked to the emergency, runs the risk of being ‘ distorted ‘by the lack of activation of resuscitation sites.

“In recent months we have sent 3,059 pulmonary ventilators for intensive care, 1,429 for sub-intensive care to the Regions. Before Covid, intensive care was 5,179 and now 6,628 are active but, according to the devices provided, we had to have another 1,600 that are already in the availability of the individual regions but are not yet active – explains Arcuri, now crying out to the regions to activate them – We have another 1,500 ventilators available, but before distributing them we would like to see activated the 1,600 intensive care beds for which we have already sent the fans.

One of the examples would be that of Campania, which has ordered the most restrictive ordinances: before the Covid it had 335 intensive care beds. The government sent 231 ventilators for intensive care and 167 for subintensive. Today 433 seats are activated, but it should be 566.

The performance of the ‘T’ of the pads is also below expectations. In several cities there are lines of cars queuing to “drive”, sometimes for more than eight hours. Several laboratories are not prepared to contain the thousands of requests from users, many of which are submitted without reservation although they are not required to perform the test because they are not suspects. “In the swabs – suggests the Boccia ministry – it would be appropriate to use the scheme used by some regions, Veneto, Lazio or Emilia Romagna that clearly indicate in their site the places and laboratories where it is possible to perform swabs, molecular, antigenic and rapid validated by They authorized the G7 health authorities last week. ” So far, more than 13 million tests have been administered and a letter was also sent two days ago to the same Regions asking them to communicate the need for buffers and reagents to close the new offer. Arcuri now hopes that the governors’ directions can go ahead, while another 5 million tampons have already been purchased.

The nightmare of the lack of masks also reappears among health professionals, which affects the prevention of patients: the doses of the influenza vaccine “are within the reach of most family doctors (who have asked Italians to put on autolockdown) and have arrived in the ASL, but many doctors are not acquiring them and therefore they are not proceeding with the vaccination of the population at risk since they are running out of personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves and disposable gowns ”, Informs Silvestro Scotti, general secretary of the Fimmg.

Among the most conflictive anti-Covid fighters is also the ‘T’ of the so-called ‘trackers’, some 9 thousand ASL hygienists who have the task of finding, testing and isolating contagious people and who today face an ocean of positives currently in circulation, more than 107 thousand. Too sick for few virus hunters. The Government had planned at the beginning of the emergency at least one for every 10,000 inhabitants, but today that figure is insignificant in the light of the data in the latest bulletins: for each new infected, an average of 20 close contacts must be traced, so that every day there are more than 170,000 people at risk of being persecuted. And if in Basilicata (7.6 tracers per 10 thousand inhabitants) Veneto (2.8), Trento (2.7) Lazio (1.8), Lombardy (1.3), Emilia (1.3) and Campania 623 (1.1) this minimum is still respected, in Abruzzo, Calabria and Friuli it falls below this threshold, which in itself is insufficient.

The situation is also confirmed by Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the health minister for the Covid emergency: “ASLs can no longer track infections, so the virus containment strategy is not working. Contact tracing does not work or manually , with interviews with positive viruses about their contacts, or technologically with Immuni “. Despite the massive ad campaign, even the app is struggling to take off: there is an increase of more than one million one hundred thousand downloads in the week of October 6 to 13 (+ 15%). So far, however, there are “only” nine million records compared to the possible audience of 50 million Italians who regularly use mobile phones.
