How many Beds There are Italian hospitals, but above all how many are the new intensive therapies built thanks to the funds allocated by the relaunch decree? Since the acute phase of the pandemic, several problems have become evident that have affected the Italian health system, firstly the shortage of places to assign patients during the emergency.
Even today, in the midst of the second wave that is hitting our country again, the greatest fear is a possible collapse of the health system which should have been strengthened precisely by virtue of a possible growth of new infections, but how are things today?
How many beds are there in Italian hospitals?
Data on beds in Italian health structures were published by the Ministry of Health in the statistical yearbook of the national health service. In Italy they are present 518 public facilities able to offer 151,646 rooms, that is, 2.5 places per 1,000 inhabitants and 482 private structures accredited they have available 40,458 rooms0.7 places per 1,000 inhabitants. In Italy, therefore, we can count on 3.2 beds for every 1,000 inhabitants.
With respect to hospital day and hospitalizations of a few hours, within the Italian health structures we find in total 13,050 places, divided into 11,672 in public structures and 1,378 in private structures. The places intended for postoperative hospitalization a few hours instead they were 8,515, 6,660 in the public sector and 1,855 in the private sector. As to intensive care, in 2018 in Italy were available 5,090 rooms, that is, approximately 8.42 places for every 100,000 inhabitants.
Our country is in a very low position compared to the European average, which can boast of 5 places per 1,000 inhabitants.
How many new ICUs have been built?
Through Relaunch Decree construction had been established 3,500 new beds for intensive care in order to guarantee 14 per 100,000 inhabitants, distributing them evenly throughout the peninsula. In addition, the Government has assigned 1,100 million euros, last May, for to ensure about 7,500 beds ICUs were made precariously during the first wave to cope with the growing number of patients.
However, to date it seems that no have been built just a little over 1200 (1,279 to be exact), a figure below half the target set by the government, but above all it seems that its distribution is not homogeneous in the Italian territory. The construction delays appear to be related to thenecessary procedure for the planning and action of the PA, which could not respond to the request, despite having adequate financial resources, makes known Republic. So even though intensive care units have strengthened slightly, during the second wave, if hospitalizations were to rise again, Italy might have to live the nightmare of a few months ago again.
The European ranking of hospitals with the most beds
According to Eurostat data updated to 2017, Italy if you put the 24 place in the ranking. In the top ten positions for availability of beds within health facilities we find:
- Germany
- Bulgaria
- Austria
- Hungary
- Romania
- Czech Republic
- Poland
- Lithuania
- France
- Slovakia
The Germany stands out in the ranking that offers 8 places for every 1,000 inhabitants, followed by Bulgaria with 7.5 and Austria with 7.4. In the last positions of the ranking are the Sweden with 2.4 places per 1,000 inhabitants, the United Kingdom with 2.5 places and finally Denmark with 2.6.