Coronavirus, here is the DRAFT of the new Dpcm: it will be in force from November 5 to December 3


3 November 2020 18:25

Coronavirus, new Dpcm project: “shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays”

The new Dpcm that the Government has just presented as drought in the meeting with the Regions, it envisages a National curfew from 10 p.m. each night until 5 a.m. the next morning: those who must leave at that time, exclusively for trips motivated by proven work needs, for situations of need or for health reasons, must do so with self-certification. Everybody Restaurants can remain open with table service until 6:00 p.m. and to home delivery and for the service of to carry out always until 22:00. The new Dpcm will enter into force on November 5 and will last until December 3, but at this point the expiration of the Dpcm is not important because it is foreseeable that new Dpcm will be launched based on the situation long before the expiration of the previous ones. . In any case, during the meeting with the Regions there may be changes in the text.

On public holidays and the eve of public holidays, medium and large commercial structures are closed, as well as commercial establishments in shopping centers and markets. There is no closure for pharmacies, parapharmacies, presidi sanitari and points of sale of food products, tobacco and kiosks.

The performance of outdoor sports or motor activities will continue to be allowed, even in conditioned areas and public parks, where they are accessible, provided that in any case the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters for sports and at least one meter for any other. activities unless the presence of a companion is necessary for minors or people who are not completely self-sufficient.

Coronavirus, new Dpcm project in force from 11/5 to 12/3

The new anti-Covid Dpcm that will take effect on November 5 will last until December 3. This is what is envisaged in the draft provision.

Coronavirus, new draft of Dpcm: “museums, exhibitions, bingo and casinos closed”

The draft of the new Dpcm foresees the suspension of the activities of the games rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos, even if they are carried out within the premises used for different activities. In addition, exhibitions and public opening services of museums and other institutes and cultural places are suspended.

Coronavirus, New Dpcm Draft: “DAD for High Schools, Others Continue to Attend”

Second grade schools must do “100% distance learning”, while face-to-face classes remain for the rest of the students. The draft of the Dpcm on which the government is working is expected. “Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of Decree of the President of the Republic no. 275, so that 100 percent of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching ”. It is specified that “the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities is not affected if the use of laboratories is required or necessary due to the disability situation of the subjects involved and in the case of specific learning disorders and other special educational needs, as well as students and female students who are children or are entrusted to the responsibility of subjects dedicated to essential services in the epidemiological emergency ”. Instead, “didactic and educational activities for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continue to be carried out in presence, with the mandatory use of respiratory protection devices except for children under six years of age and for those who have pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask ”.

Coronavirus, new draft of Dpcm: “hairdressers and beauticians in closed red zones”

There is no possibility of going to the hairdresser, barber or beautician in the red areas. This is what the draft Dpcm foresees for the areas “characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and a high level of risk”, therefore those included in scenario 4. “The activities related to services are suspended – read person “.

