Coronavirus, Government-Regions videoconference on early reopens. New standards under study for restaurants and shops.


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The Government and the Regions have sat around a virtual table again to return to discuss the diversified reopens be triggered by May 18 based on data related to contagion curve and respect for Inail’s protocols. in video conference representatives of local authorities, the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies met around 6.45 pm, Francesco Boccia, in addition to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conteand the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. The good news for almost all regions is that they are heading towards a advance reopening of Pub and restaurants. But rules They will be tight and nothing will be like before, for a long time, once you sit down at the table or in the barber chair. Even when you walk into a store to buy a T-shirt or a pair of shoes. The first guidelines the Technical-scientific committee that begin to circulate impose strict criteria, which will affect 336,137 companies and it will be perfected this week. Still excluded movies, theaters, concerts, swimming pools and gyms.

The meeting will also be instrumental in establishing which Regions stores and restaurants will be able to lift the blinds. according The press, the grand reopening will be generalized but will not affect Lombardy and Piedmont, the two most affected regions, where health data still requires us to waitJune 1 like a day when bars and restaurants will welcome customers again not just because of theelimination.

“By Thursday the Minister hope will give the first data “on the course of the Covid-19 infection” in this week that has just ended, from May 4 to 11, and will be so every week, “he explained boccia. “When this panel is ready, or in the week, there will be all terms come up with one territorial differentiationthat everyone wants, “he added to agora.

The data “panel”, as the minister calls it, will be based on health data and the rules contained in a document of the Technical-scientific committee which will be refined in the coming days. And it changes the rules for a long time. the eraser of the text attributes a “medium-high risk of aggregation” to commercial activities and suggest one reorganization of spaces given that, for bars and restaurants, the use of masks is impossible during service and “prolonged parking can contaminate, in the case of subjects infected with SARS-VOC-2, surfaces, plates and cutlery “.

Hence the need to establish a “one capacity limit default “which provides” a space of not less than 4 square meters for each customer, “unless barriers are installed in plexiglass. the diners they should keep the distance of one meterwhile they discuss the four meters between the different tables. The CTS is also moving towards the suggestion of the reservations required “To prevent also meetings of people waiting outside the club. “

The delicate chapter of theair conditioning. The knot is not loose and for this reason we recommend, at least at the beginning, “especially favor solutions that favor the use of outdoor spaces.” And there is also the problem of “sharing natural air and the ventilation of confined spaces also in relation to bathrooms. “Of course, I will be prohibited buffet and customers “will have to wear the mask in preparatory or post-meal activities at the table,” while it will depend on the Headlines make “available disinfectant products for clients and staff even in various places in the room “, as well as disinfect surfaces at the end of the service “avoiding tools as much as possible and reusable containers if not disinfected (salt, oil cruet, vinegar maker). “

As for the stores, the orientation for children under 25 square meters is to grant entry only one customer at a time and indicate routes to follow to reach the goods. When they are judged clothes, who uses them must use More expensive and gloves, while the environment must be disinfected every day. One client at a time also at the hairdressers, hairdressers and beauticians facilities, who, as for the restaurants, must enter the mandatory reservation. Employees and customers must wear gloves and masks and instruments they must be continuously disinfected.

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