Coronavirus, government errors condemn Italy – Il Tempo


Riccardo mazzoni

The ineffable duo Count-Hope is increasingly in trouble – for Ghisleri the the government is now in free fall But like that proverbial donkey blocked by gravel, he persists in dragging his cart, denying reality. Isn’t it surreal that the Prime Minister said yesterday to Italians: “Right now we have to prepare for the rebirth” because pandemics challenge us in resilience but also in creativity “? And that Sunday on television the Minister of Health urged Italians to return to the “spirit of March”, as if the second wave of Covid was his fault and not the unprecedented chain of errors, delays and omissions ringed in recent months by those who had an institutional duty to prevent it?

The reference to “rebirth”, then, hauntingly recalls the “beautiful year” predicted by Conte at the time of the yellow-green rule, which ended with Italy on the brink of recession and was a bad viaticum to deal with the consequences. economic aspects of the pandemic; while the hopeful “spirit of March” looks a lot like a hypocritical alibi built to cover up a failure of which the Calabrian case is just the latest puzzling example, with outgoing and incoming commissars vying for whoever shoots the major and Calabrés condemned to a new and undeserved confinement.

The one invoked nationwide by general practitioners, anesthetists, nurses and also predicted by bookmakers, who now give it insurance if not before Christmas, immediately after. Fear, uncertainty and anger reign, and in this situation the letter published yesterday, in which Conte indignantly affirms that “the government never went on vacation last summer” is the classic case of “excusatio non petita”, for hence a boomerang. as well as a distortion of the facts. The list of government delays and omissions, from basic medicine to intensive care, from flu shots to tampons, from school to local transportation, is in fact so long that it can fill an entire page of the newspaper, and perhaps it was better if the government had officially gone on vacation. But the Narcissus of Palazzo Chigi remains convinced that the Italian management of the pandemic was truly a model admired in the world, although it would be enough for him to visit a hospital of any kind. region, where patients are now visited even in parking lots, to incur a rude awakening.

Italians can no longer bear it, overwhelmed by the apocalyptic forecasts of government consultants, inversely proportional, however, to the exasperating slowness of political decisions that should be consequential: for months they have been helpless to attend a perennial conflict between state and regions, between regions and regions between mayors and state, between mayors and regions, a chaos that makes Manzoni della plague return to the sad present time: he commands who he can, he obeys who he wants. With the parallel chaos of the conflicting opinions of technicians, virologists and alleged experts who casually pass the daily talk-shows of the massacre of deaths planned by some to the reassurance of others that in 2020, despite the Covid, in Italy we will have the same number of dead. for pulmonary complications of 2018.

In this jumble we prepare for the worst Christmas of our lives led by an improvised, weak and divided majority, with the impossibility of choosing another, with the few soft drinks that will stumble, with 40 percent of companies at risk of closure. and with four million Italians knocking on Caritas for a hot meal. The increasingly recurring question is only one: with what face can Italians once again close at home a government that in eight months of a state of emergency and full powers, despite being sure of the second wave, has made only one avalanche of ads and contradictory Dpcm? With what face does he intend to discharge his manifest incapacity to us, destroying the economy and the middle class and, a gloomy final note, also sending patients with other diseases not treated by Covid to the cemetery? Welcome to the Italy of the Contian Renaissance.
