Below is the full text of the letter to Gom staff written by Commissioner Extraordinary Iole Fantozzi.
Dear all,
As you may have already noticed, the Covid-19 pandemic, after the summer attenuation, is registering a constant, although limited, increase in infections as well as the resumption of hospital admissions of those infected.
In fact, in Calabria, from a transmission index R0 equal to 0.52 in the month of May, we arrive at a current Rt of 1.06.
Perhaps the very painful images of the military trucks in the nights of Bergamo were forgotten too quickly, the faces destroyed by the fatigue of many of their comrades from the North and, above all, the disappearance of so many health workers who helped fight the pandemic. Personally, I have repeatedly expressed my appreciation for the extraordinary and commendable commitment lavished, especially in a situation that suffers from various shortcomings and whose shortcomings have been compensated with your sacrifices. The city of Reggio Calabria itself has publicly recognized his work.
Today we are about to face the resumption of the pandemic, the magnitude of which no one can predict, and always in less than optimal organizational conditions.
Your work, therefore, assumes a fundamental social value by virtue of which I ask you, as an added value, one more sacrifice that can be defined as a “family” type.
You work in the hospital where, obviously, there is the weakest segment of the population that should be more protected and, therefore, you who take care of patients also have the task of avoiding the risk of phosphorus being thrown into a haystack.
Therefore, I ask you for a greater sacrifice, of a personal and family nature, since you must also involve your loved ones, in relation to the lifestyles and behaviors that can be adopted in these coming months in order to minimize the possibility of contracting the virus and bringing it, without knowing it, to our hospital.
This does not mean that the hospital can always come out unscathed, but all of you will have offered, however, an additional sacrifice to the community aimed at greater safety for patients and also for the colleagues with whom you are the only fight against the pandemic.
Trusting in your sense of responsibility, I express to you once again, on behalf of all citizens, my gratitude for the work done so far.
The Extraordinary Commissioner
Ing. Iole Fantozzi