Coronavirus, Giani: “We have numbers in the yellow zone, that’s when it could happen”


The governor is confident that the control room will not wait 14 days for the color change

FLORENCE. Yellow zone Tuscany from Sunday December 13. It is the hope, based on the contagion trend in Tuscany, that Eugenio Giani expressed on television in the Tagadà broadcast on La7. A possibility that could arise after the arrival of the new decree on December 4. “When the Scientific Technical Committee meets next Thursday (December 10, ed) – says Giani – if we take into account the last two weeks we will be in the yellow zone ”.

The Council of Ministers, in fact, has given the green light to a revision of the regulation that would allow the regions not to wait 14 days to change color. The new rule would read as follows: “The assessment of the stay for 14 days at a risk level or scenario lower than that determined by the restrictive measures, implies the application of the measures related to the immediately lower scenario for an additional period of 14 days, without detriment to the possibility, for the control room, authorized by the Minister of Health for the purposes of evaluating the levels and scenarios of territorial risk, to reduce this last period. ”Therefore, the control room could reduce the Tuscany stay in the orange zone, the orange zone that will start on Saturday the 5th (hopefully Giani) or Sunday the 6th.

On the prohibition of moving between municipalities on the days of next December 25 and 26, and the New Year, which should be included in the next Dpcm “, says Giani:” If this measure is going to be used to still maintain that adequate level of mobility We will take it into account, in the interest of everyone’s health. “
