New order from the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani to deal with the increase in new coronavirus infections. The ordinance, developed together with the new health adviser Simone Bezzini, is aimed firstly at the organization of the regional health system, then at municipalities and amateur sports clubs.
“We must create a mechanism that empowers us to avoid contagion opportunities,” said the president. Giani. “The ordinance is the first in a series of measures that we will adopt between now and next week, which will be divided into five chapters. The first three are in the ordinance that I signed today and that will go into effect tomorrow, October 25. The other two measures will be taken on Monday and Tuesday and will affect the school and shopping centers ”.
Therefore, the new ordinance contains restrictive interventions in three areas
Hospital visit limit: Only particularly frail patients can be visited by relatives for a very short period.
The operational centers for coordinating the health activities of the three ASLs are activated for optimal use of all hospital and territorial resources.
The Local Health Authorities must search for at least 1500 rooms in the hotel accommodation facilities to be assigned to the function of Health Hotel until the end of December, with the possibility of continuation.
30 Usca units (Special Continuity Care Units) must be activated immediately for the management of positive cases of Covid at home or in health hotels.
In addition, tracking centers are created that can guarantee this function for all new cases of the day, and your contacts to order any quarantine. For this, medical personnel will be hired, including those from the last two years of university studies.
ASL will provide rapid antigen tests to RSA, general practitioners and family pediatricians, Estar will ensure the supply of 50 thousand tests each week.
Relationship with municipalities
The Region will provide support to mayors who take preventive measures to avoid the mobility of part or all of their municipal territory. The action of the Region and the Municipalities will be aimed at opposing any form of meeting.
From tomorrow until November 14, all activities of recognized competitions and competitions of regional, provincial or local interest by the Coni, the CIP and the respective national sports federations, related to all contact sports, are suspended. Training is allowed.
Regarding the other two measures announced by President Giani for next week, on Monday the president will meet with the regional school supervisor Ernesto Pellecchia, together with representatives of Anci and Upi, to reduce the physical presence in the schools by 50%. secondary schools for students in the second, third and fourth grades, excluding the first and fifth grades that have the maturity test. An alternation of face-to-face lessons and distance learning is planned, also to reduce crowds at the entrance and exit of schools.
Sui malls President Giani said that despite being in favor of the entry quota measures, any decision on them will be made only after the meeting scheduled for Tuesday with the economic categories.
Source: Tuscany Region – Press Office
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