FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT – Germany is moving systematically but cautiously on the way to restart. From Angela Merkel’s video conference with the prime ministers of the sixteen German Lnder the green light comes to reopening from May 6 of playgrounds, museums, galleries, zoos, botanical gardens and churches, in compliance with the security conditions. An emergency fund of 10 million euros It will serve to finance the adaptation measures of these structures. On that date, a new summit would decide what to do with kindergartens and especially schools, which As of April 20 they have resumed teaching activities only for the last and last classes. from one cycle to another. The federal government and the Lnder will then discuss the reopening of restaurants and bars. However, major events like sporting events, concerts, festivals, and popular sagas remain banned until the end of August, and probably longer. Also remains the ban on travel within Europe.
A separate speech for the German Bundesliga, Serie A, already equipped to resume the game behind closed doors since May 9: the Berlin Summit postponed any decision to next Thursday’s meeting. But in any case The championship is unlikely to resume before half a month. The ruling of the Karlsruhe Constitutional Court, which on Wednesday sanctioned the complete closure of churches, defined the serious intrusion on freedom of religion guaranteed by fundamental rights, inviting authorities to remove the ban, albeit under strict security conditions beginning with the use of masks.
We are in a situation where we do not have a reference model and we must learn every day, said Chancellor Merkel, explaining that the effects of the loosening must be constantly monitored. stay disciplined, keep a safe distance and follow hygiene measures. And he warned that if the infection curve became steeper, the government and Laender would have to be ready to react, taking more restrictive measures again. Even more cautious is the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soeder, who currently chairs the Lnder conference, according to which there will be only normality with the Coronavirus and no others in the future, until it is discovered that effective therapy and a vaccine pose the danger of a The second pandemic wave will be real and present.
Meanwhile, the Koch Institut announces that after the jump in recent days the contagion rate, measured by R0, improved again, that is, the number of people that each Covid-19 infected patient had dropped to 0.76 yesterday, which means that 10 infected people infect an average of 7.6 people. While The daily number of new infections is also decreasing, now below the average quota of 1,500. As Chancellor Merkel has explained several times, keeping R0 below 1 consistently and sustainably, decisive in gradually ending the pandemic. There are now 160,000 cases of infection in the country, but the number of deaths remains relatively low, at around 6,300, with a mortality rate of 4%. Yesterday, for the president of the Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, he once again admitted that the number of deaths is most likely higher than the official: we registered an increase in excess mortality compared to the annual averages, not huge, but it is increasing.
In the debate opened by the Speaker of Parliament, Wolgang Schaeuble, who called it a mistake subordinating everything to the protection of human life, the leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, Katrin Goering-Eckardt, intervened yesterday, according to which Schaeuble is right because a life must be lived. He also referred to the untouchability of human dignity guaranteed by the German Constitution. Schaeuble had said that not all decisions can be left to virologists.. But, continuing her indirect controversy, Angela Merkel has publicly thanked science: politicians have to decide, but we are grateful to the scientists who can transmit their knowledge to us. It would be very troublesome if they no longer had the courage to tell us what they know and live with apparent security.
April 30, 2020 (change April 30, 2020 | 20:13)