Rome, May 10, 2020: more than 4 million people are infected with Coronavirus in the world. And three-quarters of the cases have been reported in Europe and the United States. The count was carried out by AFP, on the basis of data provided by official sources. The verified cases are 4,001,437. The dead are 277,127. Europe is the most affected continent (1,708,648 infected and 155,074 dead), followed by the United States (1,305,544 cases and 78,320 dead). And while the United States is still in full emergency, alarm for a possible second wave is growing in different parts of Europe and the world. Although scientists wonder about the possibility that the Covid-19 it has lost strength and is becoming less dangerous.
The most important news came yesterday from Germany, where there is an increase of infections. The infection rate, the now famous R0, increased again to 1.1. A person infected with Covid-19 infects on average slightly more than one. The data was published by the Koch Institut, which has always maintained that the infection rate must remain below 1 for the epidemic to show a steady decline. After 0.65 on Wednesday and 0.71 on Thursday, R0 crossed the critical threshold yesterday. In the next few hours we will know if it was only a temporary growth or if R0 will consolidate its increase. The alarm sounded mainly at slaughterhouses, with an increase in cases in five places. Here the “red line” established by Merkel has been crossed, beyond which the reverse of the relaxation measures is mandatory.
Another 1,568 victims and 25,621 new cases in the last 24 hours in the use. The total number rises to 78,746 victims, data from Johns Hopkins University certifies that infections in the United States are 1,309,164. Meanwhile, the virologist Anthony Fauci, the best-known face of the White House task force against Covid-19, begins a 14-day period of isolation after “low risk” contact with a positive White House staff member. There are now three health experts from the quarantine working group.
In the country, the blockade continues, without a particular order according to the States. and Elon musk It threatens to leave California, where its only Tesla electric car production site is located, because local authorities have prohibited it from resuming production due to the pandemic. The tycoon is ready for the sensational move. “Frankly, it is the fall that overflows the vase, Tesla will immediately transfer its headquarters and future projects to Texas / Nevada and whether it will have to maintain a business in Fremont will depend on the way they treat us,” he tweeted.
South Korea
Those who come from are not good news South Korea, where there are 34 new cases of Covid-19, the largest daily increase in infections since April 9. Of the new cases, 26 were shipped locally and eight were “imported.” All the bars in Seoul closed yesterday, after the outbreak of a new outbreak linked to the capital’s nightclub. The measure was imposed with the aim of stopping a second wave of infections.
There are 14 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed by the Chinese National Health Commission. This is the highest number since April 28 and also includes a new case in Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic, the first since April 4. The jump in infections is mainly due to the group from the city of Shulan, in the northeast province of Jilin, where 11 of the 14 new infections are concentrated: these are family members and people who came into contact with a woman who gave positive for him. Last May 7.
FOCUS The link to download the AutoCert19 application For those who own an Apple mobile device: https://onelink.to/autocert19
The live map of the infection.
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