The tests carried out on Tuesday by the ASL to the 14 members of Genoa confirmed positive results during the weekend positivity. Make it known is the Ligurian club.
Wednesday morning the other team members and the staff drove to the boot camp to clean the car and then returned to their homes. All training and activities of the sports hall are suspended. Good news come for employees and executives who had been tested on Tuesday and who they all tested negative. Grifone is already waiting for news for Saturday’s game against Torino, What could it be postponed.
The head of Genoa, Preziosi, expressed himself on the subject as follows: “We know that above all things there are the rule of common sense and that in these conditions the game cannot be played. Also because so far most have missed an aspect that I consider fundamental: apart from the high number of positive players from Genoa, we can’t even train with those that are negative. Then we will try to find a payback date that can be good for everyone. “
The orientation of the Football Federation would instead be to not set a precedent, also because the UEFA rules go in the direction of the game.
Came early Wednesday afternoon the announcement of the minister of sport Spadafora: “I want to be optimistic, there are no conditions to stop the championship. Review the protocol given the contagion curve? No, it seems to me that this is not the time. The protocol is fine for now ”.
They wait news also from Naples: The results of the swabs made by players and coaches should arrive today after the game against Genoa last Saturday.
OMNISPORT | 09-30-2020 13:30