
Rome, November 9, 2020 – “I am afraid there is not the slightest doubt in having to emphasize that the situation” of the Coronavirus in Italy “it’s hugely out of control”, with “a steady increase in the spread of infection” despite “local and regional differences.” So Massimo Galli, specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco Hospital-Milan State University, who spoke at ‘Agorà’ in Rai 3. “The measures adopted must be applied with the utmost care and efficiency – warns the expert – if we want to hope to reverse a trend in a reasonable time and don’t find us in an even more complex situation in the very short term“Last night, the Order of Doctors called for a” total blockade throughout Italy. “
The call to confinement
Galli explained that he found the appeal “that it expresses a very general opinion among doctors in this country. Those who have a different idea have it for their own reasons and not based on scientific data.” In the current situation for the infectious disease specialist “it may still be reasonable to consider some regional differences but with great care so as not to run the risk of frustrating the results obtained. In any case, after a possible national shutdown It is not that immediately afterwards we can do like this summer, otherwise we would be again ”.
Covid, here are the red and orange areas at risk
Zuccatelli’s video
Galli returns to the controversy they have invested Giuseppe Zuccatelli, appointed new commissioner for the health of Calabria, who in a video apostrophes the masks as “useless”: “It is true that at the beginning of the pandemic we did not have many elements. Everyone, including myself, made some mistakes, especially at the beginning. But someone who deals with the health organization is perhaps better than not being alarmed and having a mental attitude that does not expand on things that he does not know and that are not within his reach. The thing about the masks is a completely wrong statement, of an urban legend “.
Zuccatelli defends himself: “That video? Designed to harm”
The other diseases
The infectious disease specialist recalls that “other diseases do not strike because there is Covid: we must organize ourselves to carefully examine all situations that cannot be postponed, otherwise the pandemic will end up doing damage that goes far beyond the very sad large number of deaths. Deaths that, and this is a great regret, could have been contained and avoided.“.
The vaccine
Depend on vaccine as ‘final solution’ against Covid-19 – he says – “today would be like going to battle with the hope of having it in hand a weapon that will arrive in an unknown number of monthsThat is why he asks Galli for caution: “Either we have data – warns the doctor – or we must refer to lucky charms like my grandson’s red squirrel. They are auspicious, “he explains.” I am totally in solidarity with auspicious positions, but we cannot expect a result that we do not know if it will materialize and when it will materialize. “
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