It is chaos in the Nebrodi fighting against the coronavirus, from the red zone of Galati Mamertino to the other municipalities: there is no health care, garbage collection stops.
The outbreak of Galati mamertinor has caused the management of the coronavirus emergency, and more generally the health service, to plummet throughout the nebride area. One week after the first positive tests, the collection of special waste from the infected is stopped.
In the national positive count, the Nebroid cases are not there. However, only in these days in Rome it is decided to distribute the funds available to the commissioner headed by Domenico Bows in favor of regional health structures.
Also therehome health care Discounts and delays, not only in the center of the mountain which is the red zone since yesterday (opening and interior photo: the main forces of the Order and the Army at the entrance of Galati). However, the first signs of the infection spreading date back to two weeks ago, with the case Castel di Lucio. The mayors of western Nebrodi already on October 5 asked to meet with the regional government to ask for more attention and the strengthening of sanitary facilities, in the face of autumn and with the signs of the restart of infections.
the September 10 last iThe Order and Security Committee of the Prefecture had brought together the mayors to ask for more attention, especially in view of the reopening of schools, and to provide them with peace of mind. “We are ready,” said ASP leaders.

THE WASTE NODE. In Galati Mamertino, about 100 people are isolated, the total number of blocked families is slightly less. The general follow-up, with the first positive numbers, dates back to more than a week ago. But the garbage collection service, which in the case of the infected cannot be carried out by the ordinary company that attends them but by a special company that performs it safely, has not yet started. The result is that the garbage is behind the door and no one knows when the service will begin.

It doesn’t just happen to Galati. “So far I have requested the start of the service – explains the mayor of Rocca di Caprileone Filippo Borrello, who has had two partners in solitary confinement for a week – however, only today (yesterday for ed readers) did I receive the ASP “certification” that I have 4 isolated positives. Anyway, they will take care of it from today “. The same report comes from several other early citizens of the area.
HEALTH SERVICES. In this case, the special waste disposal service is activated by ASP, which contacts the company that carries it out. In the case of the nebroid district, it is theHygiene Office destined for the Sant’Agata hospital. Where previously there were 4 employed doctors, today the number has been reduced by half and recently the person in charge has been on sick leave due to serious illnesses. Already underpowered, therefore, the office found itself handling a workload that has become abnormal and understaffed, with cases proliferating in all municipalities in the area.
Initially, support was requested from the Mistretta hospital. In the meantime, however, Mistretta has been blocked by the Castel di Lucio case. To date, there are no signs of strengthening, and from today the manager who struggles with the course of the disease and medical intervention had to return to service, in smart work.
Regional directives establish that there is one hygienist on duty for every 50,000 inhabitants. The Messina district alone, from Furci to Rometta, including Messina, has 250,000. And the hygienists are 3. The ranking of the last few months has been exhausted, there is no indication of new selection or recruitment procedures of any kind.
On the other hand, just yesterday, the Region began the procedures for hiring doctors and nurses to be used in voluntary screening with rapid tests. It’s easy to predict that the workload for those same offices will increase.

In the Sant’Agata hospital and the Asp laboratories in the same town yesterday there was a continuous coming and going of people in line to take the swab, on their own initiative or on the advice of the family doctor or, again, because they were involved in the mapping . contacts of the first positive cases surveyed almost everywhere. “I needed a police officer to regulate traffic, the lines were long, people queued for hours”, Says the mayor of Sant’Agata Bruno Mancuso, that today it has 6 confirmed positives, including 2 children, and around forty people in fiduciary isolation, awaiting screening.
Everybody’Sant’Agata hospital The Covid Hospital project was born and died amid controversy last spring. There are only 6 more intensive care places in the project. The amounts are available to the Career Department. The works to adapt the premises and the personnel hiring procedures have not yet begun.
HOME ASSISTANCE, THIS UNKNOWN. The red zone is active in Galati Mamertino since yesterday. Police arrived in the afternoon to guard the doors. The Municipality has distributed a self-certification model that is used to travel in case of need, with a validity of 48 hours, which must subsequently be validated by the Municipality and transformed into a pass to travel to and from abroad. An answer is still awaited, however, regarding the health service requested by Mayor Nino. Baglio, who urged the dispatch of a Covid ambulance with 2 doctors, given that local health workers cannot help the infected.
The recommended procedure is that of home care, to avoid hospitalization of the infected. And, of course, isolation shouldn’t rhyme with a patient’s departure from ordinary medical care, even if it’s not Covid symptoms.
How is it working? The niece of an 81-year-old positive in isolation in Galati tells it in a post, one of the very few symptomatic cases among the 100 infected in the country: “An 81-year-old man with pronounced symptoms, a fever persistent for days, is at home without help. Today it was my parents who changed her infusion, guided by video call. The general practitioner does not answer, the USCA answers that you have to call 118, 118 that they are the ones who have to activate. No home visits, no respiratory assistance “. After the girl’s harsh post made its way onto the web, the old man was hospitalized overnight. A 92-year-old man, also positive, says a relative, received the same treatment: “Eats 40%, has a high fever, vomits, has bone pain. They answered that it is not serious ”. Again, similar incidents are reported not just in Galati.
WE BEGIN TO GIVE THE NUMBERS. Last Monday, the bulletin of the Ministry of the Interior gave 63 new positives in the province of Messina with 378 positives, yesterday there were 34 new cases. Assessing how many are cured in the meantime is not easy when reading the newsletter.
Beyond “Extraordinary mappingBy Galati Mamertino who saw the USCA busy for days with rapid tests and with swabs of molecular tests yet to be processed, from reading the numbers it seems that the many cases of these weeks in the Nebrodi have been loaded with extreme delay, as Less . And that the Galati red zone has not yet entered the category. Doing the counts is once again the Covid structure led in Messina by Dr. Crisicelli, but in the specific case of the Nebrodi, from the Hygiene division mentioned above. The one that “returned” to the mayor of Rocca his 4 positives just yesterday. The 100 infected in Galati, on the other hand, are not there yet, as waste collection has not started. However, the selection and swabbing process is performed by Asp itself.
In short, Galati is the red zone, cases proliferate in the Nebrodi, but Rome does not know it yet. However, it is in Rome where the aid and support to the Regions and emergency structures is decided. Only on the days when Bows announces the beginning of the procedures for the distribution of the funds promised to the Regions for the strengthening of the hospitals, there is no trace of the new cases that have just grown.
In June, the minister hope he cheered, announcing that the funds were available. But no hospital has seen them yet. Arcuri responded a few days ago that the delay in the start of the works is due to the delay with which the Regions communicated their needs to the central commissioner. On the other hand, all the Regions responded, the last one at the end of last July, two and a half months ago. The demand data from which the adjustment works will be carried out in the near future are, therefore, those that date back to last June at the latest. But the second wave of ours has already vigorously knocked on the doors.