Coronavirus, Fugatti against Fugatti (THE VIDEO): who is lying, who is wrong? On antigen control now the version is opposite to a month ago


TRENTO. Lies, mistakes, call them what you want, in any case there is a ‘insufficiency puzzling that emerges every time. The point is that crucial for managing a pandemic in Trentino distorted, with respect to the positive curve, give one massive use of antigenic buffers which, in fact, has emptied the box of infections in the official tables (as is known in the civil protection tables, only those positive for molecules end up). A topic that also ended up in the national press with the messenger that yesterday titled a full page like this: ‘‘Covid, the hidden epidemic of Trento: ghost swabs and false data

In the last days too Zaia confirmed that the Veneto it has always continued to verify the antigenic positives with the molecular ones to provide a complete and homogeneous data of the infection to its citizens and this had also been explained by the South Tyrol health authority to the Dolomites. Yesterday too Fugatti explained that, in fact, Trentino did the same: ” Pat in confirming the positivity of the antigen with the molecular one. advance on the established by the ministry of health: There is circular of October 30 that says that in the case of symptoms of the person subjected to the molecular antigen Must be done for the tenth day. And this us confirmation on the tenth day, we did it slash we are doing

It’s a shame the data is quite different given the large number of positives found with antigenici that Starting on December 3rd should be communicated by Pat after the ministry has requested it (we always remember that despite the massive use of antigenic was essentially made from Trentino, pilot territory performing them even in pharmacies, and despite requests from the Dolomites that had been going on for weeks me the signature collections of citizens to have transparency and the interrogations in the Chamber of Opposition, in the end the Province of Trento was also hit by the Province of Bolzano which did not wait for Rome but communicated the complete data to its citizens before Trentino).

Pity, above all, that Fugatti on November 15 said something else. He explained exactly the opposite concept compared to what he explained yesterday referring, of course, to the same circular of October 30. ” In the vast majority of cases to an antigenic swab, after 10-14 days, a molecular buffer follows therefore, with a positivity of an antigenic buffer today will follow a molecular swabThis for all antigenic buffers managed by the healthcare company and also for those that are communicated to APSS. It may be that some communication does not reach the APSS and that therefore some cases of antigenic buffer do not follow a molecular ” is to do the molecular control within 10 days (which means from the day after the tenth) and therefore it becomes a confirmation of positivity, another is to do it between the 10th and the 14th or even later, or not to do it precisely because in this case the positive antigen will almost certainly be followed by a negative molecular.

And indeed a At the end of November you will remember that there were more people healed than positive. almost every day. The explanation was exactly this: I were found positive with antigens and therefore they were not included in the official count while negativity was confirmed for all by the molecular and therefore all the cured (even those isolated with the antigen) were included in the official count. ” To those antigenic swabs that have a positivity after 10-14 days follow a molecular added Fugatti. Thus that the antigenic swab if confirmed positive by the molecular swab will have a result in the molecular swabs that we report to the Ministry, so the data is not substantially eluded from the molecular swab counts for 10-14 days.

Instead, they are thousands of positives not counted and if to November 12 was written only by the Dolomites today it is also clear to everyone why if you try to make the relationship between positives and hospitalizations, deaths, intensive care Trentino ends up having data three times worse than the rest of Italy. Obviously, this does not depend on a greater aggressiveness of the virus in Trentino but on a figure reduced at least three times in positive communicated until a few days ago. Who knows who will be right between the Fugatti on November 15 and Fugatti on December 12 talking about the exact same topic. The truth is that for the umpteenth time citizens end up being treated as poor viewers of lowest level talk shows to whom everything and the opposite of everything can be imposed without respect or dignity. For a month we just ask this: that citizens are treated as such and not as an entertainment audience.

No one has ever clapped red, yellow, orange areas and only the president each Friday ended up giving the impression that he only cared about this. How was it a medal to be pinned to the chest, between compliments to himself and continued peace of mind. There The transparency of the data served to show respect to the community, to inform them of the real level of the pandemic, to save lives and reduce the contagion more quickly. why a conscious community You can practice behaviors that are more mindful and therefore more mindful.
