Coronavirus: from Sunday 15 November ER ‘orange’ zone – Emilia-Romagna


Minister of Health Roberto Speranza signs ordinance

Emilia-Romagna in Sunday’s “orange” band. As ANSA has learned, Health Minister Roberto Speranza will sign a new ordinance in the afternoon that will come into force on Sunday, November 15. The Campania and Tuscany regions go into the red zone. The regions of Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche pass in the orange zone.

POINT – Starting on Sunday, Emilia-Romagna will go from the yellow band to the orange one, which indicates greater alarm about the contagions of the pandemic and therefore greater restrictions. “It became necessary – explained the Regional Health Councilor Raffaele Donini at the weekly transmission point, commenting by order of Minister Speranza – because the epidemiological trend has led many people to be hospitalized in our hospitals in the Covid wards.” Currently there are 2,164 hospitalized, with an increase of 70 people in the last 24 hours, while assistance to intensive care has fallen (-3), now by 225, according to the daily bulletin. Where there are also 40 deaths and 2,384 new cases, of 20,500 swabs, for a percentage of 11.6%, with 1,155 asymptomatic. Numbers of contagion substantially stable, increasing, with those of the last days, but that have not prevented the updating of the color of the area.

Even the measures adopted by the ordinance signed yesterday by President Stefano Bonaccini were not enough, which in any case will come into force as of tomorrow, even in the most ‘severe’ parts. Like the closing of shops on Sundays, except pharmacies, parapharmacies, food, tobacconists, newsstands. The same occurs with the stop of the open-air markets without ad hoc plans on the part of the City Councils (Bologna has prohibited them without exceptions, for example) and the days before the holidays in medium and large sales areas as well as in the malls. In grocery stores only one component per family. Another additional measure not foreseen by the “orange” area but which will take effect as of next week, is the suspension of gymnastics, singing and wind instrument classes in primary and secondary schools. Sports activities should avoid historic centers and places that are usually crowded. Meanwhile, Bonaccini himself announced on Facebook the worsening of his health conditions. Positive for the virus for a week and a half, he now has bilateral pneumonia but, according to doctors, not so severe as to require hospitalization.