“Let us pray today for the rulers who have the responsibility to take care of their peoples in these moments of crisis: heads of state, presidents of government, legislators, mayors, presidents of regions. Why the Lord helps and gives them strength, because their work is not easy. And that when there are differences between them, they understand that, in times of crisis, they must be very united for the good of the people, because unity is greater than conflictWith these words Pope Francisco He wanted to pray for the rulers again during his usual morning mass celebrated in the chapel of his residence, the Casa Santa Marta. Words that come 48 hours after the start of phase 2, that of coexistence with the coronavirus, and that sound like a new certificate of trust for the Conte government after the CIS case and, above all, demonstrate a unity of purpose with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who in the May 1 message called for “loyal collaboration between institutions and institutions.”
In his homily, Bergoglio explained that “a moment of crisis is a moment of choice, it is a moment that puts us before the decisions we have to make. In life, we all have had and will have moments of crisis: family crises, marital crises, social crises, labor crises, many crises. This too pandemic it’s a time of social crisis“And he added:” In my land there is a saying that says: ‘When you are going to ride a horse and have to cross a river, please, don’t change horses in the middle of the river‘. In times of crisis, be very firm in your belief of faith. Those who left, ‘changed horses’, looked for another teacher who was not so ‘hard’, as they told him. In times of crisis there is perseverance, silence; stay where we are, stop. This is not the time to make changes.. It is the moment of fidelity, fidelity to God, fidelity to the decisions we have made before. It is also the moment of conversion, because yes, this fidelity will inspire some changes for good, not to move away from good. ”
Also read
Phase 2, Pope Francis defeats the Italian Episcopal Conference and supports Conte’s line: “Prudence and obedience to the provisions”.
After the hard and unprecedented confrontation between the executive, which has not yet given the go-ahead to the masses with the faithful, but only to funerals with a maximum of fifteen relatives, and the CIS, Bergoglio had DISAVOWED The Italian episcopate: “At this moment, when we begin to have dispositions to get out of quarantine, we pray to the Lord to give his people, all of us, the grace of prudence and obedience to the dispositions, so that the pandemic do not return. “Affirmations followed by those of the Secretary General of the CEI, Monsignor Stefano Russo, with the aim of sewing the tear with Palazzo Chigi:” The comparison and dialogue with government institutions, even in some passages with strong tones, it has never failed, in the name of mutual respect. “
Just to define the next steps and indicate a common line, the Pope received the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti. “Christians, stressed Francesco, we must learn to manage moments of peace and moments of crisis. Both of them. Some spiritual father says that the moment of crisis is like going through fire to strengthen yourself. May the Lord send us the Holy Spirit to know how to resist temptations in times of crisis, to know how to be faithful to the first words, hoping to live after moments of peace. We thought, the Pope concluded, our crises: family crises, neighborhood crises, crises in the workplace, social crises in the world, in the country. Many crises. “
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