Rome, October 5, 2020 – The France try to stop the uncontrolled epidemic of Coronavirus with a turn of the screw, starting from the premises. It is of special concern increasing pressure on hospital facilities. The tightening of health regulations in Paris – approved last night in the ‘maximum alert’ zone (scarlet red on maps) – “will remain in force for 15 days” at the end of which “a control will be carried out with maximum transparency” on the evolution of Panda Data, said Prefect Didier Lallement presenting the new measures in force as of tomorrow in the French capital. “It is a new stage, you have to rise to the challenge,” said Lallement. “The epidemic is going too fast, we have to stop now to prevent our health system from being overwhelmed,” the prefect warned. THE the bars will be closed starting tomorrow for 15 days, while the restaurants will stay open with a reinforced restriction protocol. The consumption of alcohol in the streets will be prohibited, the markets will remain open. Gyms and pools will be closed., but they will remain open only for minors. Fairs and congresses also closed. The frequency will also be cut in half college.
Covid, the Italian newsletter for October 5
Russia, fears increase
In Russia you go to him closure of Moscow schools and the Ulyanovsk and Sakhalin regions, where distance education will change due to the increase in cases. Local authorities will announce the specific date of the transition to distance education. In Moscow, schools have already been closed from today until at least October 18, extending the fall school holidays that normally last a week. The cases of Covid-19 in the country continue to increase: they have been found in the last 24 hours 10,888 new infections, the highest since May 12. In the capital alone, there are 3,537 new cases. am 117 deaths during the last day. Russian government statistics suggest that more than 45,000 people died for the Coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, which is more than double the figure estimated by the working group against Covid-19. The Moscow Times writes. According to the state statistics agency Rosstat, 45,763 people diagnosed with Covid-19 died between April and August in Russia. But the national task force, which compiles daily figures based on data reported by regional crisis centers, puts the total number of deaths at 21,475. So less than half of Rosstat’s five-month total.
Trump leaves hospital to greet fans: “I learned a lot”
Video: New York closes 9 neighborhoods
Iran, record of infections and victims
Register of cases and victims in Iran. In the last 24 hours they have registered 3,902 contagion, the highest number since the start of the pandemic, and 235 deaths, a peak reached only on July 28. Patients in intensive care amount to 4,167. The total number of infections amounts to 475,674 and deaths to 27,192.
WHO estimates: perhaps 10% of the world’s population is infected
Michael Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies ProgramWorld Health Organization (WHO), during a special session of the executive board, said: “Our best estimates tell us that approx. 10 percent of the world’s population“which is more than 20 times more than what is diagnosed today,” could be infected. “WHO estimates, according to the Associated Press, would amount to 760 million cases based on a world population of 7.6 billion. of people .
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