Coronavirus, four other cases between Latina and the province. That’s where they live


Four new cases of Coronavirus between Latina and the province, plus a fifth infected who resides outside the Pontino territory.

These are the data recently released by the ASL of Latina, with the bulletin that reports how the four Pontine cases have been registered in Latina, Aprilia, Fondi and Minturno.

Therefore, at present, 780 people have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic; those currently positive are 198, while the number of deaths remains stable at 37 victims. The cured, however, are two more: they reached 545.

“It is strongly recommended to the entire population and in particular to young people, in order to avoid new waves of spread of Covid-19 and the consequent measures – highlighted, as every day, by the Pontine Local Health Authority – not to lower the level of attention in the fight against the pandemic, strictly respecting the current regulations regarding the prohibition of assembly, the mobility of people, frequent and correct washing of hands, the use of masks and compliance with minimum safety distances The population is asked to refer exclusively to official sources such as the Lazio Region, Seresmi, Spallanzani and the General Directorate of the Local Health Authority “.
