TRENTO. Even the Trentino is already working on the arrival of the anti-Covid vaccine. Today, in fact, is the deadline for the presentation of the so-called “Feasibility plan for the first phase of administration of the Covid-19 vaccine”Requested by Commissioner Arcuri to all regions.
The request to each territory was that to indicate the hospitals that could store the serum and then administer it to certain classes. Among the required data was needed also communicate the number of employees in these facilities and the rest homes registered in each province with relative number of guests me employees. Fundamentals, of course, coolers to allow storage of vaccines.
“We have already developed an organizational plan with the initial request for 17-20 thousand vaccines for Trentino“has explained Antonio Ferro, head of the APSS Prevention Department. The categories that will receive the vaccine first have been decided centrally. “This path was chosen – explained Ferro – to avoid tensions.” Obviously it will start from health personnel and so workers and the elderly in nursing homes and then move on to categories of immunosuppressed.
As in the rest of Italy, the order for the equipment necessary for the vaccine has also begun. “The purchase order has been made for 15 fridge Who can keep the vaccine at -75-80 degree”Ferro explained.