Coronavirus, Esperanza: “Vaccine first for the doctors and the weak. It will be tough but we will win the battle ”- La Stampa


Neuroscientist Emanuel Bigand fills the room with notes from the Rolling Stones and Indiana Jones and explains the powers of music in the brain. The songs he conjures up with his quartet are meant to be a burst of energy and a test of endurance. This is the chorus from Frontiere, the Festival of Health, which debuted in Rome yesterday: resilience and a bit of reasonable optimism come from the words of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and Anthony Fauci, Trump’s scientific adviser at the time. exiled from the White House for excessive independence of thought.

“It will take six months to see the light, but this does not mean eliminating the Covid virus: at the beginning there will be few doses of vaccine and the option for Italy is that the first to be vaccinated are the doctors and health workers and then the fragile and the elderly, “the minister told Maurizio Molinari, director of Republic. «There are two games: the vaccine and the treatments and for these also Italy is in the challenge. At Toscana Life Science – she stressed – we are working on promising monoclonal antibodies, but all controls will be necessary. We will be very strict with medications and vaccines. The weapons in the field are beginning to be many and I want to send a message of optimism. We will win the battle.

How you feel physically when you are infected with coronavirus: from contagion to recovery

In relation from Washington, shortly before, Fauci had explained that we still have a year ahead in which the term normality will not be anything common. z I hope we have a vaccine by Christmas 2021; It probably won’t be 90 percent effective, but I’d be happy if it works 75 percent. In this way it will protect the majority of people and thus we will see the spread of the virus decrease. Reflecting on the Italian situation, Fauci warns us to be careful: “We continue to maintain a 180cm distance between us, we avoid crowds, we wash our hands often. I cannot forget that in the United States the pandemic has acquired historical proportions.

Hope also talks about the historical situation. When asked about the river of money from the recovery fund, he explains his vision of transforming the NHS: “I don’t want just resources, but reforms as well.” And he explains his idea of ​​health, based on a series of pillars: modernizing hospitals, strengthening IRCSS institutes dedicated to treatment and research, making Italy attractive for pharmaceutical investments. “I cannot forget that today in the world there are a trillion investments in the pharmaceutical sector at stake.” The minister sums up his philosophy in one word: “proximity.” It means – he emphasizes – “take care of the territory and make the first place of health our home”. Telemedicine and remote controls thus become the cornerstone of a new assistance and care network for each patient. Without forgetting the fundamental role of the family doctor.

Microbiologist Andrea Crisanti: “That’s why I don’t believe in the vaccine for the end of the year”

The refrain of optimism linked to an imminent future to be built also emerges in the specialists’ session, but there are also dissonances. Alberto Mantovani, Scientific Director of Humanitas, explains that the Covid emergency has pushed us to a multifaceted reaction, which sees the rediscovery of excellent research at the center: “While we are talking about the Recovery Fund, I, instead, would like a plan of Recovery precisely for investigation. We have neglected it for too long and now we are facing a true Caporetto.

the the future requires answers that we do not have right now. Not only about the many mysteries that still surround the Coronavirus, but also about how to modulate 21st century medicine. Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director of the Besta Institute concludes: “We still don’t know to what limits we are pushing ourselves. The aging processes and their management represent an example of the biological barriers of our body. We don’t know how insurmountable».

A month after the test of the experimental vaccine against Covid, this is the Italian volunteer
