Coronavirus, Esperanza: «First doses of the EU-Astrazeneca vaccine before the end of the year. The priority is to reopen schools “



All the minutes of the CTS will be published. The coronavirus is increasingly infecting young people. There is a very strong decrease in the average age, which has been reduced to 29 years.

by Nicoletta Cottone

Covid 19: Minister Speranza reports to the Senate

All the minutes of the CTS will be published. The coronavirus is increasingly infecting young people. There is a very strong decrease in the average age, which has been reduced to 29 years.

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The coronavirus? It infects more and more young people. There is a “very strong decline in the Middle Ages.” This is the most remarkable fact »of the latest data on coronovarus, and not only in Italy. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, during the information session to the Senate, calling on young people to comply with the basic standards. The average age has dropped to 29 years. and announced that all the minutes of the Technical-Scientific Committee will be published very soon ”.

Back to school – that’s when the bell rings

In the next Dpcm, reunification of binational couples

The minister also announced that the next Dpcm is expected to “reunite binational couples” currently divided by legislation, couples that, the minister said, “have long lived the price of a division.” He explained that in essence the next Dpcm will confirm the general system of the last Dpcm that expires on September 7. The three basic rules will be confirmed: correct use of masks, spacing of at least one meter and compliance with the basic hygiene rules starting with hand washing: “these are three real pillars on which the entire scientific community agrees and international. It is not a political contest, three essential rules that must accompany us in this phase of coexistence with the virus. “

The top priority is to reopen schools.

“The top priority is the reopening of schools,” the minister recalled. For this objective “we have committed all our energy”, said the minister during the briefing to the Senate. “All schools will reopen in September and will reopen safely.” The minister recalled that 190 countries in the world suspended their activities during the emergency, involving more than one billion students.

First doses of the EU-Astrazeneca vaccine before the end of the year

“In the last hours,” Speranza recalled, “the contract between the European Commission and Astrazeneca for the production of the anti-Covid vaccine has been finalized.” The contract “arose from the alliance signed by Italy with Germany, France and the Netherlands that prompted the commission to intervene.” According to the minister, who in any case asked for caution, the first doses could be available “already at the end of 2020.” Speranza recalled that in this vaccine “there is a piece from Italy with the viral vector produced by Irbm and the Anagni Catalent filler.” He also recalled that at the end of August “the experimentation of the totally Italian Reithera vaccine began”.

Soon the publication of all the minutes of the Cts

The minister also spoke of the missing CTS minutes that have aroused so much controversy. “Very soon – said the minister – all the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee will be published. The line of government has been from the beginning a line of maximum transparency and we are working precisely so that these minutes are published, where there is absolutely nothing that cannot be made known to the public.
