Coronavirus, Esperanza and the dpcm on the way: “Yes to the stop for private parties” – La Stampa


The approval of the new dpcm is approaching and the government’s intentions are beginning to emerge with some clarity. Which aims to tighten the shirts and give an important squeeze to stop coronavirus infections (today, in Italy, 5456 cases have been registered) also intervening in the private lives of Italians. “We will also have to affect that non-essential part of people’s lives,” says Health Minister Roberto Speranza.

The dpcm, says the minister, “will probably be signed tomorrow night.” What are we going to intervene on? “We will intervene to avoid private parties that we can avoid at this time and gatherings – he explained, we will act on timetables and we will increase controls.” There are also plans to include measures “related to sports where it is not possible to wear masks and keep your distance”.

No national reserve

At present, a national closure is not envisaged “to be avoided”, while it is assumed that there may be “selective closures if there are particularly difficult situations”. Despite the measures, the minister stressed that “the key to trying to bend the curve is people’s behavior”, given that “75% of infections come from family relationships or close personal relationships.”

Speranza believes that during the difficult months “in general, the institutions of the republic resisted and managed to work together. With the Regions we have to work together as a team and work side by side ».

Antigenic test

Hope again: “In the last hours we have also started to use antigenic tests that are faster tests and will help us: 5 million are on the way, they will be used in schools, we are working to try to open the opportunity to use studies carried out by doctors general and this could clearly be a big step forward. ”Still on the slopes, the minister added“ that drive-ins in Lazio will double as of tomorrow, there is important work to strengthen our territorial fabric. “The problem has been solved by Commissioner Arcuri for several months. It is clear that we must continue working in this area, in March and April about 30 thousand tampons were made, now we are at 130 thousand per day”.
