Bologna, October 31, 2020 – The number of pandemics continues to rise since coronavirus in Emilia Romagna: today 2,046 new infections are registered in the region based on 18,943 swabs (It also reported 2,674 serological tests). The incidence of people testing positive has increased by 10.8% (yesterday it was 10%) and there is also 19 victims. On the number of hospitalizations in the hospitals of Emilia Romagna: there are 6 more patients in the intensive therapy (now there are 125 in total) and 66 patients in covid wards (1223 in total).
Today’s newsletter. Table of contagion and live Covid data
Of the 2,046 new patients, just under half (963) are asymptomatic and 242 were already in solitary confinement at the time the report was delivered. L ‘middle age of the patients is 44.4 years. Among the provices, Bologna back firmly to the top of the contagion ranking with ben 481 new cases then Reggio emilia (367) Modena (322), Piacenza (191), Rimini (178), Parma me Ferrara with 122 new cases of positivity each, and Ravenna (96). They follow Forlì (75), Cesena (51) e Imola (41).
Covid victims
There are 19 deaths registered in the last hours in the province among patients with coronavirus: 7 in the province of Bologna (2 women of 91 and 94 years old and 4 men of 84, 90, 92 and 97, plus 1 woman of 83 years Imola), 6 in the province of Modena (2 women aged 84 and 87 and 4 men aged 85, 89, 90 and 94), 2 in the province of Piacenza (2 men aged 90 and 93), 2 in the province of Ferrara (1 73-year-old woman and 1 88-year-old man), 1 year Cesena (1 man 65 years old) and 1 year Rimini (1 88-year-old woman). There are no deaths in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia and Ravenna. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the total number of deaths in Emilia-Romagna is 4,631.
The contagion map
Here’s how the 2,046 new cases are divided: 7,100 to Piacenza (+191, of which 61 symptomatic), 5,771 to Parma (+122, of which 83 symptomatic), 8,690 to Reggio emilia (+367, of which 278 symptomatic), 8,056 to Modena (+322 of which 179 symptomatic), 10,775 to Bologna (+481, of which 183 symptomatic), 1,050 cases a Imola (+41, of which 27 symptomatic), 2,584 to Ferrara (+122, of which 37 symptomatic); 3,002 to Ravenna (+96, of which 62 symptomatic), 2,390 to Forlì (+75, of which 56 symptomatic), 1,796 to Cesena (+51, of which 35 symptomatic) and 4,627 to Rimini (+178, of which 82 symptomatic).
Admissions to intensive care
The 125 covid patients admitted to intensive care (+6 compared to yesterday) are distributed as follows: 7 to Piacenza (-2 compared to yesterday), 11 a Parma (+1), 7th Reggio emilia (data unchanged), 25 a Modena (+10), 42 to Bologna (-4), 3 a Imola (data unchanged), 8th Ferrara (+1), 5 a Ravenna (data unchanged), 5th Forlì (-14 to Cesena (+1) and 8 years Rimini (same data as yesterday).
Active cases
Active cases, that is, the number of actual patients, to date are 23,213 (1,794 more than those registered yesterday), 94% of the cases are in home isolation because, fortunately, they did not require hospitalization. People as a whole heal am 233 more than yesterday.
Clotilde Armellini de Ferrara tells of her odyssey in the drama: “I just wanted to show that the virus exists and instead I received threats and even death wishes“. She, who suffered from covid, needed to be hospitalized in Alexandria and so on posted a video in what sI see the doctors forcing her to wear a respirator. In the foreground is his face marked by disease. That video message, crude and without rhetoric, unleashed a wave of solidarity but it also sparked hatred from the ‘deniers’: “They wrote to me that they would pay me to record the video, and that I would even be a singer in search of fame to go to San Remo.”
The bitter reflection comes from Chiara gibertoni, Director of Sant’Orsola and Nicola Carangelo, coordinator of the Polyclinic Emergency Service. “Today – says the first, also announcing that Sant’Orsola opens the second pavilion dedicated to covid admissions – there is a climate of less proximity to health personnel. And instead we are playing a double championship with very capable but tired and discouraged athletes ”. Sant’Orsola’s number one wanted to thank the staff for the “spirit of dedication, which is the same as before, although less recognized today“But in people” there is also a bit of addiction and perhaps there is no perception that fatigue now has doubledThere was also an invitation with the utmost respect from Mayor Merola: “Let’s give a hand to our health workers, avoiding contacts and giving up parties.”
Hospitals, five times more hospitalizations
In twenty days, patients hospitalized for coronavirus have been five divisions: these are the figures illustrated by the regional health adviser Raffaele Donini on yesterday’s direct Facebook: on October 10 there were 241 admissions in the covid rooms and 16 in intensive care. Today there are five times more: 1,157 and 119. “The health system of Emilia Romagna still hold, but always with greater effort“, he stressed, so much so that affiliated private structures have been called to the forefront of the fight against covid.
Yesterday in Emilia Romagna they counted eleven victims. Jump in the incidence of positives: from 7.1 to 10%, and 1,763 contagion (There were 31,084 nationwide). Intensive care admissions were down compared to the day before, but moles were up covid departments (+103) Modena (+365, with two centers for the elderly affected by infections) was yesterday the most affected province, the second Bologna (+343). Emilia-Romagna classified as moderate risk. Donini: “The pressure on hospitals has increased fivefold, but the system remains.” The mandatory mask is studied in class.
Covid, October 31 Updates
The trend of contagion in Brands
“The crisis will weigh on young people. Let’s save their future”
A country suspended pending closure. If it can’t be helped, let’s do it now
Region coronavirus news
Bologna, the outburst of the nurses
Beyond Covid: everyone for lunch on the weekend
Ferrara, a video to tell about the disease. But she is attacked by the ‘haters’
Modena a hundred infections in a few days.
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