Coronavirus emergency, Veneto hospitals towards the suspension of interventions and non-urgent visits


It is written in black and white in the letter that the general direction of the Social and Health Area of ​​the Region sent to the entire Ulss yesterday. For Tuesday 10, suspension of non-urgent surgical activity and programmable activity of the outpatient specialist. Guaranteed services U (within 24 hours) and B (within 10 days), non-postponed activities, services in the field of oncology.

Veneto hospitals are moving towards the suspension of non-urgent surgical activities and all specialized programmable outpatient activities. This is to have staff for the management of Covid patients. The pandemic, therefore, also affects the ordinary activities of hospitals and health facilities. It is written in black and white in the letter that yesterday, Friday, November 6, the general direction of the Social and Health Area of ​​the Veneto Region sent to the entire Ulss of the regional territory, to Azienda Zero, to the IRCCS-Istituto Oncologico Veneto and to the unions of the medical sector. This is a consequence of the other news yesterday: Veneto enters phase 4 (of 5) in front of the hospital. And it falls back into the situation of March: all the health forces have been summoned to face the most difficult phase of the Coronavirus emergency.

To cite a few examples, non-urgent interventions related to prosthetics and internal medicine will be postponed. Class U (within 24 hours) and B (within 10 days) performances will be guaranteed. Discovery activity will continue. “In consideration of the epidemiological scenario of the Covid-19 epidemic and its evolution, in implementation of the document” Update of the Emergency Plan “adopted by the Crisis Unit on October 22 in relation to phase 4,” the letter says, “It does provide for the suspension in every accredited public and private hospital of all planned surgical activity for which hospitalization in postoperative intensive care is foreseen and the reduction of non-urgent and internist surgical activity planned to have personnel for the treatment of patients with Covid, with the exception of activity that cannot be postponed taking into account the clinical picture and for which the prognosis and serious clinical consequences are strongly influenced by the time of diagnosis and intervention, particularly in the context of oncological surgery , an account of the natural history of the disease and integrated protocols with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Accredited private hospitals will continue to guarantee the role assigned to them by programming with respect to dependent time networks.

Simply put, non-urgent claims are suspended. “There is also the suspension of specialized outpatient activity in accredited public and private hospitals”, the letter continues, “with the exception of priority services such as U (urgent, within 24 hours, ed) and B (short, within 10 days), guaranteeing, both as the first specialist visit and as a control, activity in the maternal and child fields, oncology, rare and non-postponable diseases in consideration of the clinical picture of the patients. It will be the responsibility of each facility to warn scheduled users with other priorities to reschedule the appointment at the end of the state of emergency.

“Health companies, based on priorities, needs and reduced production capacity can, within the current contractual agreements, agree with accredited private structures the possibility of providing other types of services,” specifies the Region, which in the letter it also indicates the calendar within which hospitals must adapt: ​​”These provisions, defined by the” Coronavirus Crisis Committee “, shared by the Scientific Committee, must be implemented as soon as possible and in any case no later than November 10 next (next Tuesday, ed), in order to prepare the beds planned for phase 4 minimizing the damages to the citizen, and they are applied until the revocation, which will be available when the occupation of the beds stabilizes in phase 3, as foreseen in the document “Update of the Autumn Plan” ».

Martina reolon
