Eliana michelazzo Breaks the silence on Instagram to reveal her health conditions to fans after finding out she’s positive for Coronavirus. Just 24 hours after receiving the swab results, Pamela Prati’s former agent was rushed to hospital. On Instagram, the former suitor of Men and Women, has revealed that she has been discharged from Gemelli Polyclinic after the big scare.
“I was afraid because I vomited blood and I cannot breathe well (suffocation symptom) – he said -. I thought I was better but this virus changes every day. Relax, I wait for answers ”. Shortly after the Michelazzo He explained that he had calmed down thanks to the intervention of the doctors: “I have just returned home. I do not deny that this morning I got a good scare -he confessed-. The results of the tests carried out this morning at Gemelli are good. Nothing to worry about. Fortunately, it all falls within the practice of Covid-19. I have to rest, respect the quarantine, in peace. If these symptoms recur, I can call Gemini, who will take care of my health. “
Guest of TV salons and friend of many VIPs, Eliana michelazzo discovered she had a positive coronavirus after returning from a holiday in Sardinia with some friends. After the trip to Costa Smeralda, where she had also been with the Billionaire, the influencer had gone through controls. Eliana was the protagonist of the last television season for the now famous Mark Caltagirone case. The former suitor of YOU in fact, for some time she was, along with Pamela Perricciolo, Pamela Prati’s agent.
It was her, in the course of an episode of Live – It’s not D’Urso confess that the mysterious businessman and future husband of the showgirl did not exist. Shortly after the scandal that had engulfed her, Eliana had decided to change her life, saying that she too had been deceived, living a false love story with Simone Coppi. In recent months on Instagram, Michelazzo had been smiling and serene, until she discovered her positivity when she returned from vacation. On social media, Eliana revealed that she will spend, as usual, the next few weeks in an isolated house.