Coronavirus, deaths in Piedmont exceed ten and almost double in one day: from 6 to 11


Deaths in Piedmont that exceed ten and almost double compared to yesterday, from 6 to 11; the newly infected always above the 1500 threshold, but with two thousand fewer tampons than yesterday (from 13,621 to 11,565), and another 120 hospitalized, 5 of which in intensive care. These are the alarming figures for the coronavirus epidemic in Piedmont. Here, in detail, is the newsletter of the Regional Crisis Unit.

Eleven deaths of Covid-19 test positive individuals reported by the Piedmont Region Crisis Unit, of which 0 occurred today (note that the cumulative updated data reported daily also includes deaths that occurred in the previous days and only later were they determined as COVID-19 deaths). The total is 4227 deaths who tested positive for the virus, divided as follows by province: 693 Alessandria, 258 Asti, 218 Biella, 404 Cuneo, 395 Novara, 1855 Turin, 230 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition of 41 residents outside the region, but died in Piedmont.

The cases of people who have so far tested positive for Covid-19 in Piedmont are 49,668 (+ 1550 compared to yesterday) of which 799 (52%) are asymptomatic.
Of the 1,550 cases: 564 evaluations, 515 case contacts, 471 with ongoing investigation. Scope: 94 nursing homes / social welfare structures, 194 schools, 1262 general population. The imported boxes are 6 of 1550.
The general subdivision at the provincial level becomes: 5330 Alessandria, 2593 Asti, 1601 Biella, 5683 Cuneo, 4400 Novara, 25785 Turin, 1466 Vercelli, 2014 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 377 residents outside the region, but in charge from Piedmont health centers. The remaining 419 cases are under development and territorial allocation.

There are 79 hospitalized in intensive care (+5 compared to yesterday). The non-intensive care patients are 1226 (+115 compared to yesterday). There are 13,475 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 906,964 (+ 11,565), of which 487,794 were negative.

Today, the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that the virologically cured patients are 29,708 (+ 95 compared to yesterday), divided as follows by provinces: 3618 (+15) Alessandria, 1670 (+0) Asti, 933 (+2) Biella, 2982 (+19) Cuneo, 2804 (+9) Novara, 15,019 (+46) Turin, 1422 (+4) Vercelli, 1050 (+0) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 210 ( +0) from other regions. Another 953 are “on the mend.”
