Coronavirus | Dead | Infected | Get well | Cases


Contagions are increasing again (+169 new cases registered today, Wednesday May 13, 2020, against +113 yesterday) and also deaths (32 against 28 yesterday) but, in contrast, hospitalized patients continue to decrease in hospital both in intensive care (-14) as in normal rooms (-42): this is the photograph of the coronavirus in Piedmont.

A series of data from which you can glimpse a new growth of positive people, probably because many more buffers are being created, as well as because people have circulated more, but also the fact that these are usually fewer cases serious, also in this case both because they are diagnosed early and because (but this is a pure hypothesis not yet supported by scientific data) perhaps the virus is gradually losing its aggressiveness. The recovered patients are growing (+938, of which +465 in the province of Turin).

The data in absolute values.

Positive since the beginning of the epidemic in Piedmont: 29,058.

Positive since the beginning of the epidemic in the province of Turin: 14,719.

Deaths in Piedmont: 3,460.

Deaths in the province of Turin: 1,551.

Currently hospitalized in intensive care in Piedmont: 122.

Currently hospitalized in other wards in Piedmont: 1,858.

Currently in home insulation: 10,511.

Healed in Piedmont: 9,941.

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On the road to recovery (negative for the first shock absorber) in Piedmont: 3,166.
