Coronavirus, De Luca: “The school reopening is impossible on September 14”


“We are trying to bring as much school supplies as possible to Campania, desks, chairs, medical supplies. If we had decided a few weeks ago to postpone the start of the school year, nothing would have reached Campania. The current situation does not allow us to open schools in peace on September 14. We evaluate the staff, the classrooms, the transport, the temperature measurement. ”This was stated by the president of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, during the usual Facebook weekly direct on the Covid emergency.

The anticipation that arose yesterday during the meeting with the unions is therefore confirmed: the school in Campania will be open on 24 September. But there are still many points in the process, which are suspended. Like the increase in school personnel, announced by the Minister of Education Azzolina: “We are not interested in intentions – says De Luca – we really want to know if and how much staff will really be available in three weeks. The government has made a serious mistake in not stabilizing to the precarious staff who have been working at the school for years ”.

“To date – continues De Luca – we do not know how many fragile teachers there are. We need options that give serenity to all the school staff and the families of the students. I also consider the Government’s guidance on measuring the temperature at home to be wrong. : One thing is out of the world. That is why our Region will act differently. We have decided to allocate a bonus of 3000 euros so that school buildings are equipped with thermometers. Families must send their children to institutions in complete safety. more tests, fast that give results in the shortest time possible.

He also returns to the transport problem: “As a Campania region we have requested and obtained from the government authorization to integrate our public transport with those of private companies authorized to transport”.

Regarding the situation for the monitoring of Covid positives, “we will provide the capacity of the Campania Region to perform 12 thousand swabs a day. We must get ready with Covid during the next months, until the vaccine arrives.”

“Today we have 170 positives. 40 percent come from abroad or from Sardinia, but we are beginning to have a reduction in cases of returns. Now we register a prevalence of territorial contagion, those who have not informed the ASL, who have returned before August 12 from abroad: some outbreaks that arise here and there. We must gradually transfer the personnel involved to return to the territories. In these hours we will hire another 500 people to be employed in the territories for controls and range collisions ”.

“We have the most difficult situation in Italy because we are the region with the highest population density and that requires the utmost rigor. The national government has issued an ordinance requiring the use of a mask after 6 pm but the mask after 6 p.m”. uses. It is better not to do the ordinances if they are still a dead letter. “Then, private clinics and laboratories will be authorized to carry out their” private on private “activity in order to” respond to requests from private companies or sports clubs “and the price of tampons has been set at 62 euros.
