Coronavirus data today, Thursday, December 3


In the last 24 hours in Italy there have been 23,225 new cases of coronavirus infection and 993 deaths from COVID-19. There are currently 35,369 hospitalized (701 less than yesterday), of which 3,597 in intensive care units (19 less than yesterday) and 31,772 in other departments (682 less than yesterday). A total of 226,729 swabs were tested. 10.2 percent of the swabs for which the report was reported were positive. Yesterday the registered infections were 20,709 and 684 deaths.

The region with the most cases was Lombardy (3,751). They are followed by Veneto (3581), Piedmont (2230), Campania (2295), Lazio (1769), Emilia-Romagna (1766) and Puglia (1602).

The provinces with the highest number of cases are Rome (1,636), Milan (1,311), Turin (1,214), Naples (1,188), Verona (847), Bari (721), Padua (688), Catania (663) and Vicenza (597).

Today’s main news:

  • The Council of Ministers that ended at night between Wednesday and Thursday approved a decree law, with new travel measures to counteract the spread of the coronavirus infection during the Christmas period. The decree extends the maximum validity of the decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) for the coronavirus emergency from the current thirty to fifty days. Regarding mobility during holidays, the decree law establishes that from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, it will not be possible to travel between different regions (including the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano) except for motivated displacements. for proven work needs, situations of necessity or for health reasons. In the same period, it will be possible to return to one’s own residence, domicile or home.
  • From December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, it will also be prohibited to travel to second homes that are located in a region or autonomous province other than one’s own. However, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021, travel between different municipalities will also be prohibited, with the same exceptions for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons.
  • The Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces has issued a statement in which the regional presidents express “amazement and regret at the method followed by the Government that approved, yesterday afternoon, Decree Law No. 158 of December 2, 2020, in the absence of a preventive comparison with the regions “. According to the conference document, this method “contrasts with the spirit of loyal collaboration, always pursued during the emergency, considering, furthermore, that the election could be anticipated even during the preventive confrontation carried out just 48 hours before.”
  • Instead, the new ongoing DPCM will set out the general rules, which will be in effect from December 4 – it should be approved on Thursday night. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte Announced who at 8.15 pm on Thursday will offer a conference in which he will explain the details of the arrangement.
  • The DPCM must contain the travel rules between regions that will be in force until December 20 and at the end of the Christmas holidays, the confirmation of the curfew at 22:00, and for example the hours of commercial activities (including restaurants) during the Christmas period. . The rules contained in the decree law for the days of Christmas, San Esteban and New Year will be applied throughout the country; As for the other days, we will have to wait for the next DPCM, and clarifications from the government about the regional regulations that depend on the different colors (yellow, orange and red).
