
In the last 24 hours in Italy there have been 24,099 new cases of coronavirus infection and 814 deaths from COVID-19. Currently 34,767 are hospitalized (602 less than yesterday), of which 3,567 in intensive care units (30 less than yesterday) and 31,200 in other departments (572 less than yesterday). A total of 206,059 swabs were tested. 11.7 percent of the swabs reported were positive. Yesterday 23,225 infections and 993 deaths were registered.
The region with the most cases was Lombardy (4,533). They are followed by Veneto (3,708), Emilia-Romagna (2,143), Piedmont (2,132), Lazio (1,831), Campania (1,651), Puglia (1,419) and Sicily (1,365).
The provinces in which the highest number of cases have been found are Rome (1,682), Milan (1,463), Turin (955), Naples (1,495), Treviso (707), Bari (741), Vicenza (686), Padua (672), Verona (662), Venice (563), Catania (551) and Bologna (508).
Today’s main news:
- The rules that must be respected during the Christmas and New Year holidays are contained in a decree law and a DPCM (Prime Minister’s Decree) that the government approved between Wednesday and Thursday. They contain more resolute restrictions to counteract the spread of the coronavirus infection, which will be valid only for the Christmas holiday period. As of December 4, the travel rules established by the DPCM of November 3 will continue to apply, those linked to the three colors assigned to the different Italian regions (yellow, orange and red) that will continue to be used.
- The new Decree of the Prime Minister also establishes that the ski resorts will remain closed until January 6. Cruises, on the other hand, cannot be made between December 21 and January 6. Starting January 7, high school students will be able to return to school in attendance. Initially, 75 percent of students will be able to return to each school. From December 4 to January 6, the shops can remain open until 9:00 p.m. However, until January 15 there will be a limitation in shopping centers: on holidays and the eve of holidays, only groceries, pharmacies, parapharmacies, health, tobacco shops, kiosks and nurseries may be open. . Here we have explained in detail all the regulations in force from today and at Christmas.
- In the last seven days in Italy, 154,954 new cases of positivity to the coronavirus have been registered, 23 percent less than the previous week. The slowdown in the total contagion curve continues, with the number of new cases returning to that of the week before the main restrictions of the second wave, decided in early November. However, the number of deaths has not yet started to decline, which between last Friday and Thursday was 5,188, with the record of deaths announced in a single day: 993, on Thursday. Here we have explained in detail all the weekly data.
- The President of Veneto Luca Zaia, commenting on the measures provided for by the new DPCM, said that he hopes that “the government will modify the provision on the cessation of circulation between municipalities on the dates of December 25 and 26 and January 1” and that there are “there are still days ahead” to change the decree. Zaia explained that “Veneto is on the side of the government” and does not want to be “on the other side of the fence”, but “the part related to the three parties, from the point of view of health, is not justifiable.”
- On Friday, the president of Piedmont Alberto Cirio announced that as of December 13, his region will become part of the yellow zones, those with the lowest risk of contagion of coronavirus. Cirio said that “the induce Rt has fallen again and today it is at 0.74”. Cirio also expressed doubts about the blocking of movements on Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve and said that Prime Minister Conte informed him that through the FAQ, which will be disseminated in the coming days, it will be clarified “especially that, among the Also the health reasons linked to the derogation of trips between municipalities, the social health and psychophysical well-being of an elderly person can be foreseen, allowing them to be with their family ”.