Compared to yesterday in Italy 1,222 fewer patients with coronavirus. The previous day, the drop had been 836 units. The data was provided by Civil Protection in the daily bulletin: the total cases of contagion are 221216 – considering what is currently positive, the victims and the healed – with an increase of 1,402 units in the last 24 hours. Yesterday they had been 744, but today’s increase also includes 419 cases of Lombardy not referable to yesterday but “toa few previous weeksTherefore, the contagion curve increases by 0.44%. In the last 24 hours I am 172 people died, which bring the total to 30,911. THE Cure increased in 2452 units compared to yesterday (when the previous day’s increase had been 1401 people).
The r continues to decreasehospitalized in intensive care: 952 patients, 47 less compared to yesterday when the drop had been 28. Of these, 322 are in Lombardy, 19 less than yesterday. People hospitalized with symptoms. instead they are 12,865, with a decrease of 674 compared to yesterday. 67,449 instead the positives currently in insulation at home (501 less than yesterday).
The general data – I am 81,266 people currently suffer from coronavirus in Italy, 221216 It also includes victims and has been recovered since the start of the pandemic. Total healed is over 100,000 (precisely 109,039), while the victims, with 172 new ones, become 30,911. Currently, 12,865 people are hospitalized, including 952 in intensive care.
The situation in Lombardy – they are 614 new cases of coronavirus in Lombardy, for a total of 82904. Yesterday there had been 364. The account must be added 419 cases reported today, but which dates from the period prior to the date of May 5. 136 positives were more than yesterday Milan (Of these 51 in the city) The deaths instead they are 62, for a total of 15,116. Today’s data on infections – explained the councilor of Well-being Lombard Giulio Gallera at the usual point with the press: it is affected by the record number of swabs manufactured (20,602), but it is also the result of the swabs processed in the previous days since the Region still cannot process more than 15-16,000 per day. In the region of the region he was subjected to hyssop 90% of the guests and 25% tested positive.
The situation in other regions of Italy. – In detail, the currently positive cases are 30,675 in Lombardy, 13,184 in Piedmont, 6,801 in Emilia-Romagna, 5,190 in Veneto, 3,841 in Tuscany, 2,779 in Liguria, 4,273 in Lazio, 1,877 in Campania, 667 in the Autonomous Province of Trento, 2,421 in Apulia, 1,911 in Sicily, 801 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 1,548 in Abruzzo, 437 in the autonomous province of Bolzano, 109 in Umbria, 506 in Sardinia, 104 in Valle d’Aosta, 568 in Calabria, 140 in Basilicata and 226 in Molise.
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