Coronavirus, Covid newsletter today September 12. Active cases, jump in Emilia Romagna


Bologna, September 12, 2020 – The tide is still high although the new contagion they are a little less than yesterday. Never active cases, that is, people who are currently positive for the virus, increase in Emilia romagna: they are almost 100 more than yesterday. the Coronavirus bulletin today, September 12, talk about others 138 positives, of which 66 asymptomatic, found thanks to contact tracing and the regional screening campaign. Since the beginning of the epidemic, therefore, the number of positives has increased at an altitude 33,363.

In-depth analysis of the Coronavirus Italy Bulletin of September 12. Today’s data on Covid and the table

me tampons made yesterday are 9,911, for a total of 1,019,818. To these are also added 2,026 serological tests. Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours there has been a death in the province of Bolonia: it is a 78-year-old man with previous pathologies.

The origin and average age of new infections.

Of the 138 new cases, 57 were already isolated at the time of the swab execution and 54 were identified in sprouts It is already known.

There are 29 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of return cases from other regions is 12.

L ‘middle age of the new positives today are 40 years old.

Of 66 new asymptomatic patients, 31 were identified through put on screen ei test introduced by the Region, 2 through pre-hospital tests, 32 thanks to contact tracing activity, while in 1 case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

The virus in the territories

Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (29), Ravenna (25), Modena (18), Rimini (12), Ferrara (12) and Parma (10).

In the province of Bologna there are 29 new positives, of which 4 returned from abroad (France, Spain, Romania and Ukraine), 4 from other regions (1 from Sicily, 1 from Marche and 2 from Puglia), 10 contacts of already known outbreaks, 2 cases followed of controls in a CRA and 9 classified as sporadic.

A Ravenna and province, of 25 new positives, 6 returned from abroad (4 from Albania, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 2 from other regions (1 from Sardinia and 1 from Puglia), 13 from already known tracing cases and 4 identified after detection activities.

In the province of Modena, of 18 new positives, 11 arose thanks to the tracking of known cases related to family outbreaks, 3 returned from abroad (1 from Albania and 2 from Ukraine), 2 cases after detection activities and smears and 2 sporadic cases.

A Rimini and province, of 12 new positives, 3 returned from abroad (2 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 7 cases detected after contact tracing activities and 2 classified as sporadic.

In the province of Ferrara, of 12 new positives, 4 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, 1 from Lebanon and 1 from Romania), 4 identified as contacts of already known cases and 4 after a swab in the presence of symptoms.

In the province of Parma, of 10 new positives, 2 returned from Romania, 2 from other regions (1 from Sardinia and 1 from Tuscany), 2 cases attributable to contacts related to already known outbreaks, 2 arose after tests prior to hospitalization and 2 cases classified as sporadic.

Almost 100 more active cases than yesterday

me active casesIn other words, the number of real patients to date is 3,827 (97 more than those registered yesterday).

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 3,658 (86 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. Patients in intensive care there are 17 (-1 compared to yesterday), while there are 152 hospitalized in the other wards of Covid (+12).

People as a whole heal There are 25,067 (+40 compared to yesterday): 12 “clinically cured”, that is, they were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,055 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The contagion map

The new cases of positivity, which refer to the province in which the diagnosis was made, are distributed as follows at the provincial level: 4,884 a Piacenza (+7, of which 1 symptomatic), 4,083 years Parma (+10, of which 4 symptomatic), 5,553 to Reggio emilia (+9, of which 7 symptomatic), 4,643 years Modena (+18, of which 10 symptomatic), 5,930 to Bologna (+29, of which 20 symptomatic), 534 to Imola (+6, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,319 to Ferrara (+12, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,619 years Ravenna (+25, of which 13 symptomatic), 1,258 years Forlì (+4, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,043 years Cesena (+6, of which 1 symptomatic) and 2,497 to Rimini (+12, of which 5 symptomatic).

Contagions drop slightly to coronavirus in Italy: in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Civil Protection website, there were 1,501 new cases, while yesterday there were 1,616 new ones. The total number of infected people, including victims and those cured, is 286,297. On the decline today victims, 6 compared to 10 yesterday, for a total of 35,603 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

me healed and registered are a total of 213,191, 759 more than yesterday. More than 92 thousand i tampons carried out.

The virus in the regions: the table

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