They are too tight guidelines produced by Inail is Iss for the safe reopening provided by Monday May 18. This is the matured reflection in the comparison between government is Regions. A new summit with governors is expected, perhaps already in the next few hours, to find a solution. shared between the parties and between the governors, also divided within them. After the first meeting, the government met shortly after 1:00 p.m. at the Palazzo Chigi for a new one. cabinet. On the table is the draft of framework decree on the reopening, presented by the ministers at this time: the reopening of regional borders is planned only from 3 of June and the possibility of restrictions territorial according to epidemiological picture. From what theAdnkronos, the meeting will also be defined in Dpcm with the new measures that the prime minister Giuseppe Conte intends to close today. A crucial step ahead of Phase 2b, waiting epidemiological data arriving from the territories, some of which in to delay in monitoring, because the Dpcm You will have to regulate who, where and, above all, how the blinds will be raised.
Precisely on this the Prime Minister and Minister Francesco Boccia discussed, meeting with the Regions. The governors contested some of the guidelines: an example, above all, is that of 4 square meters intended for customers of bars and restaurants, judged excessive. There Lombardy and me Common they sided with the government by asking anyway uniform rules. The objective of the executive is to avoid a babel of non-homogeneous ordinance that would create disparities and betray, precisely, the indications on social distancing provided by theInail. With Fontana also the president of Anci, Antonio Decaro. Presidents strongly oppose the single guidelines Luca Zaia -among the hardest- Stefano Bonaccini, Michele Emiliano, Massimiliano Fedrigaas well as the Vice President of the Campania region Fulvio Bonavitacola.
“In phase 2 of restart, for shared sectors, guidelines must be provided univocal national in analogy with what already happened for manufacturing and I construction sites“The president of Anci Decaro said after the meeting with the government and the regions.” The mayors respect regional autonomy over reopening times – He explained – but the guidelines on the sectors that will reopen must be uniforms, a position expressed in the control room by the President of Lombardy Source and that mayors have shared“
“It makes sense that umbrellas are far apart in Emilia-Romagna 2 meters and in Puglia 4 4? Is it true that in a restaurant in Forte dei Marmi you have dinner a meter away and in one in Rome at 2? Of course, the contagion situation is different between regions but diffusion methods they are the same and therefore also rules to stop the spread they should be the same“Added the mayor of Bari. The president of the Abruzzo region, Marco Marsilio, told Adnkronos that “the need has been reiterated that the guidelines of the decree of law should explicitly grant the regions power to anticipate the opening and the restart of activities and, therefore, we will be able to advance according to the Inail’s protocols they are indicative but not prescriptive. “
Starting on May 18, the ball will go to the Presidents of the Regions, who already announce more urgent steps in the territories where contagion curve seems to bend quickly. In Veneto Zaia is the most ‘open’ of all, Friuli Venezia Giulia di Fedriga follow closely, like Liguria Giovanni Toti. But regions that are not administered by the center-right are also pressing. Stefano Bonaccini careers, Michele Emiliano It is no less fast. further Source, also the president of Piedmont Alberto Cirio it stays in the middle, struggling with little reassuring data.
Shops, hairdressing, beauticians, restaurants, Coffee in some cases also Beaches is Nursing schools: There are those who are ready to reopen everything from Monday. And, above all, this is the main problem, to overcome the guidelines dictated by Inail and byHealth college in the distances to respect. “Because one meter is sufficient at the factory, two are needed elsewhere and even people have to stay along the shoreline 5 meters far? “Is the most frequent question among the governors concerned about the scenario that has been established not so much since Monday, as in summer months at the doors, and pressured by the demands of the trade associations of merchants, also concerned about the chapter on responsibility in case of contagion in their activities.
In mobility between regions, last remnant of the emergency shutdown, the government maintains the point: we will talk about it 3 of June and limitations may be imposed “in relation to Specific areas of the national territory, in accordance with the principles of adequacy is proportionality to the epidemiological risk really present in these areas, “reads the draft.
But even in this, some territories are ready to move around Rome with bilateral agreements: the VenetoFor example, it is ready to give the green light according to Friuli Venezia Giulia and Trentino to pass between the border provinces as early as Monday. “You will be able to visit relatives, given theneed manifested by numerous citizens, “Zaia and Fedriga announced in a letter. pressing drop the limited mobility from Monday it also comes from other governors.
Not surprisingly, in the morning, the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D’Incà, spoke of “some too many protagonists by some regional presidents. “Speaking to Agora at Rai3, the pentastellate added: “They have to take into account that we have to work, try to give scientific data to Scientific technical committee so that we can verify the state of the epidemic in our country day after day. “
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