Rome, September 26, 2020 – With a video message sent to the event “#InsiemeperRicostruire – Proposals beyond the emergency” organized in Bologna by the economic and social observatory ‘Riparte l’Italia’, the premier Giuseppe Conte takes stock of the challenges our country faces to face the emergency Coronavirus. “Starting over means restore confidence in the fact that Italy has enormous potential. We have to get up to speed up, not standing up like before. Italy lacks nothing to do it, Italy has no reason to settle, Italy can and must dare“.
The Pd leader was also present at the conference, also in streaming Nicola Zingaretti, who insisted on the need for Italy to make the best possible use of the recovery plan, Mes and Sure.
“We must not disjoin, fray us, in the crucial phase of post-Covid reconstruction – is the call of the Prime Minister – in addition to the challenge of Resilience, we can also win the reboot. There is no more important challenge. Continual comparison helps us focus more decisively on how to seize the historic occasion of 209 billion Europeans for the impulse of a new Italy “.
Among the first objectives, restart the works: “In these days I will sign a decree to identify the works to be accelerated and the corresponding commissioners,” says Conte.
Bonus recovery plan of edilizia e
“With the building superbonus of 110%, the possibility of generating jobs and jobs in the construction sector is specified, while pursuing the objective of energy efficiency and seismic adaptation of homes. beyond 2021“Conte emphasizes.” With the Recovery Plan, at least 37% of the available resources will be green investments, therefore, energy transition in strategic sectors such as automotive, strengthening of the water network, fight against hydrogeological instability, energy efficiency of public buildings “, the premier lists.
No rain bonus
“This government was accused of having distributed bonuses during the pandemic. Actually, I think that was an umbrella under which to protect the most exposed and fragile people from this terrible emergency.
Pole star solidarity
“Very important is the social sustainability. There is no growth if someone is left behind without protection, if there is no Pole Star of solidarity, inclusion to show us the right way. “Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this, speaking.” Someone has classified some of the government’s emergency measures as a ‘barrage of bonuses’ and subsidies. Actually, they were the right umbrella with which to repair the categories most exposed to the storm ”, added Conte.
The ultra-long band
“Today we accelerate on the highway of our future: a unique digital infrastructure in an ultra-large bank, capable of rapidly projecting our country forward, recovering lost ground. Investing in the single network means allowing students to access all the information of in a simple and fast way, for the school to be digitized and respond to the expectations of our children. It also means strengthening a direct and rapid relationship between citizens and public and private services “, continues the premier.” Opening the way to new opportunities development in depressed areas of Italy, where data will finally be able to travel at a speed worthy of the goals of innovative companies and the dreams of our young people who are often forced to emigrate, “he stressed.
“We must think for the future in a well-being that always puts the person at the center, their dignity – explains Conte – the right of young people to have the tools not to give in to the culture of hatred, violence, to embrace hope , dream of coming true, the right to build a family ”.
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