Coronavirus, Conte signs Dpcm to extend measures until 7/10: stadiums and nightclubs remain closed


The anti-Covi measures will last until October 7, it is explained, because an extension of more than one month is not possible (the last Dpcm was in fact on August 7).

The reunification of international couples Among the few novelties present in the decree is the self-certification for the entry into Italy of those who come from countries that until now have been “prohibited” to certify that they will reside with a person, “even if they do not live together”, with whom “there is a stable emotional relationship “. Self-certification will also be used to communicate with the ASL and a 14-day quarantine will be mandatory.

The states for which entry into Italy was prohibited are: Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chile, Kosovo, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Serbia, Colombia . . For all other states the regulations already in force apply: those arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain must obligatorily rub. Those arriving from Romania and Bulgaria must remain in quarantine.

Without spacing it is still the obligation of the mask. In addition, the regulations on masks are still in force, which are mandatory in closed places and outdoors where distance cannot be maintained, on the prohibition of assembly and the 80% capacity limit for public transport. In addition, a plan is being studied to reduce the use of cash, a possible vehicle for contagion.
