Pressure to update Sunday’s Dpcm has returned to the government. Also because, despite the attempt to standardize the measurements, the Regions are not in a particular order for now.
by Andrea Gagliardi

Pressure to update Sunday’s Dpcm has returned to the government. Also because, despite the attempt to standardize the measurements, the Regions are not in a particular order for now.
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“We continue in the pandemic and the constant increase in infections forces us to keep our attention very high: this time, however, strengthened by the experience of last spring, we will have to work, staying vigilant and prudent, ready to intervene again if it is necessary”. This was stated by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, in a passage of the information delivered in the Chamber to the Chamber on the latest measures to combat Covid. “The strategies adopted to deal with the first wave of the virus cannot be the same as we adopt today. We are more prepared. Italy is in a very different situation than in March, although this situation is also proving very critical, ”added the prime minister. Conte reiterated the call to “avoid unnecessary travel and superfluous activities”, without translating it into new rules. But the growth of infections is exponential. And in the government the pressure has returned to update the Prime Minister’s Office on Sunday, which according to many is already exceeded by the numbers, which run very fast.
Count: many regions activated with restrictions
In addition, Conte himself recalled that “many Regions have already taken measures to promote the procedure to reach more restrictive measures than those contained in the Dpcm”, listing the decisions of Lombardy, Campania and Lazio. “I think it is essential, I would say decisive – argued the premier – maximum coordination between the different levels of government, according to a method inspired by collegiality and the necessary distribution of options, which – although differentiated to adapt to the changing and erratic trend of contagion – however, they must preserve the characteristics of homogeneity and coherence, so that the unitary relationship of the emergency intervention is not lost ”.
“We will refinance the redundancy fund with 5 billion”
The Prime Minister, in addition, as he did in the Senate, reiterated that “only for upper secondary schools are even more flexible ways of organizing teaching activities, and for this to happen, Minister Azzolina will preside, which include student admissions staggered, starting at 9 o’clock, with the possibility of also resorting to afternoon shifts. ”And he explained that“ it is not possible, at this point, to have the safety net in place since the beginning of the crisis in favor of workers and companies. “It is for this reason that a new cycle of layoffs will be refinanced with 5,000 million euros, which provides for free layoffs for companies that have recorded losses above a predetermined threshold.
The pressing of a new Dpcm
Meanwhile, the Regions do not follow any particular order. With the strongest restrictions adopted by Lombardy and Lazio who have opted for a night curfew. And Campania that has banned travel between provinces. Given the news of new measures already this weekend, from Palazzo Chigi and the ministries assure that for now there is nothing in preparation, but they also add that we cannot exclude having to intervene “in the coming weeks”: it depends on the epidemiological curve .
The decision on the closure of the gyms is expected
However, a decision will have to be made over the weekend on the closure of the gyms, which Vincenzo Spadafora opposes but which seems inevitable for other ministers. And the call to limit “unnecessary travel” could, according to some majority sources, clearly denied by the government, turn into a veritable ban on travel between regions in the coming weeks. But the more than fifteen thousand positives raise many questions about what will happen in a few days. The threshold of twenty thousand infections is considered too close, by more than one minister, not to act. It’s no mystery that the Democrats, under Dario Franceschini, would have wanted much more incisive measures last weekend. Nicola Zingaretti set a good example by deciding a curfew in Lazio for preventive purposes, although the situation is not as critical as in other regions. But there is a risk, warns more than one minister, of not being enough. It will be evaluated in the coming days: a first moment of discussion is expected in the next few hours, at the table with the Regions convened by Francesco Boccia with Roberto Speranza, officially to discuss the follow-up. The government could return to discussing what to do on the sidelines of a Council of Ministers meeting scheduled for Thursday night. For now, they are not in the field, assure both from the Ministry of Health and from the Ministry of Regional Affairs, new national measures, but a coordination of local ones.