Coronavirus, Conte in the confinement: “There will be no more”


If France sadly embarks on a comeback that has to deal with more than 7,000 infections, Italy accuses an increase in the number of positives, which is constantly monitored by Palazzo Chigi but does not at the moment presage scenarios similar to those of Paris. HEPresident Emmanuel Macron spoke of a possible second national shutdownwhile the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte reiterates that he does not see prospects for a new complete closure of activities.

Curve monitoring

The Prime Minister’s is a judgment based on the fact that theFor now, an increase in the number of infected people does not correspond to an increase in hospitalizations. the health system is in a very different situation than a few months ago, when intensive care was on the brink of collapse. But Palazzo Chigi also states that the method followed. “Until now we have worked methodically, in the name of caution – they explain from the offices – We are the only ones who have developed a sophisticated mechanism to follow the contagion curve, based on 21 parameters that return a detailed risk analysis, which is reduced to very limited territorial assessments ».

Limited closures if necessary

A system that should allow intervention, if necessary, with well-defined limitation measures also at the geographical level. Qso at least for now, there are no plans to return to the confinement. As Prime Minister Conte explains: “With our system we are confident that we can face the autumn with caution but without limiting economic activities. We must respect the minimum precautionary standards in force that will allow us to sustain the recovery that has already occurred in recent months, as certified by Istat. The country must run safely».

The meeting of the Ciae

Run safely. Almost a contradiction in terms. However, it is not very easy, given the disastrous situation of the field of competition, but necessary, considering that the economy cannot remain stagnant for long. For this reason, the Recovery Plan is also accelerated. On Wednesday morning, September 9, the second meeting of the CIAE, the Interministerial Commission for European Affairs, will be held in Chigi, a body chaired by the Minister of European Affairs Enzo Amendola. A first meeting took place after the European Council. Throughout the month of August there have been technical discussions of the ministries involved and now we will try to take stock of the work done. Even because times are very short and the date of October 15 is approaching, when the plan will have to be presented to Europe.

Transport and desks

And then this school, which is still the most painful point, because the reopening promises to be complex, due to the thousands of controversies that the minister has involved Lucia azzolina, also within the executive, but also due to the objective difficulties posed by the Covid factor. The official reopening date is still September 14, even if the Regions can postpone it. However, Prime Minister Conte is optimistic Also in this dossier, because the knots, after too many difficulties, seem to unravel. The State-Regions unified conference has approved the document on conditions and safety rules in case of an infected person. Now Ministers Francesco Boccia and Paola De Micheli are working head-on to solve the transport problem. Tomorrow a draft solution will be brought to the unified conference and at that time the first and most delicate knots will be resolved.


August 30, 2020 (change August 30, 2020 | 08:28)

