Posted on: 03/05/2020 23:07
7 billion would be missing to cover social safety nets. This is what would emerge during the videoconference meeting between the heads of delegation and the Economy Minister, Roberto Gualtieri, according to reports from various sources.
There would have been a miscalculation, which some sources attribute to INPS while others blame the Minister of Labor.
If the coverage of social safety nets is lacking in the new decree, the responsibilities would be neither of the INPS nor of the Minister of Labor. No “miscalculation” is therefore attributable to Minister Catalfo. Thus to the sources Adnkronos of the Ministry of Labor.
Meanwhile, the intervention that provides, as a last resort to save struggling businesses, entry into the state capital with up to 49% share of small businesses, using the Mise fund, appears to be taking shape. For the range of companies between 5 and 50 million, Mise would always intervene, presumably through Invitalia. For medium and large companies, with a turnover of more than 50 million, Cdp would intervene with an ad hoc fund, outside the cash balance.
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